It was the perfect metaphor for the rising power of the Global Majority in its unstoppable drive to put an end to 500 years of colonial-style economic looting, backwardness and wars. In the middle of the three-day BRICS Summit in Johannesburg on August 23, 2023, India succeeded in landing its Chandraayan-3 module on the surface of the Moon, near its South Pole. One of the tens of millions around the world intently following the live feed from the Indian Space Research Organisation's (ISRO) Mission Room, was Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who watched from South Africa, where he was attending the BRICS Summit, along with the Heads of State or Government of Brazil, Russia, China and South Africa.
Immediately after the stunning success, Prime Minister Modi addressed the ISRO centre scientists, and the global community. "India's successful Moon Mission is not India's alone," he said, adding: "This success belongs to all humanity…. I am confident that all countries in the world, including those from the Global South, are capable of achieving such feats. We can all aspire for the Moon and beyond." President Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa, the host nation, responded by stating: "This for us, as the BRICS family, is a momentous occasion, and we rejoice with you."

The proceedings of the August Plenary Session of the BRICS Summit, which heard addresses from the leaders of all five BRICS nations, underscored that a worldwide tectonic shift was indeed underway, fed by the understanding that a new architecture of peace and development was a condition of survival. "The world is changing," President Ramaphosa emphasised in his opening remarks. The world is facing an extraordinarily dangerous crisis, both economically and politically, and "we are well aware of where this path could lead," stressed Brazilian President Lula da Silva. He further said: "The world needs to understand that the risks involved are unacceptable for humanity. Furthermore, it is unacceptable that global military spending in a single year exceeds USD 2 trillion, while the FAO tells us that 735 million people go hungry every day in the world." Lula urged that a peaceful, negotiated solution to the Ukraine crisis be found, and praised the peace proposals made by three of the BRICS members: China, South Africa and Brazil.
Chinese President Xi Jinping, too, stressed that "the world has entered a new period of turbulence and transformation", and that peace and development must go hand in hand. As he had emphasised in his remarks to the BRICS Business Forum held on August 22, "Should we work together to maintain peace and stability, or just sleepwalk into the abyss of a new Cold War?" He explained that the Summit "is an endeavour to expand the architecture of peace and development". The BRICS leaders stressed that new architecture must assure the security of all nations… large and small.

As for overcoming poverty and underdevelopment, President Ramaphosa stated: "We know that poverty, inequality and underdevelopment are the biggest challenges facing humankind." For his part, President Xi said: "Development is an inalienable right of all countries, not a privilege reserved for a few." He added: "We need to fully leverage the role of the (BRICS) New Development Bank (NDB)." Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin called on the BRICS to "build up partnership in science and innovations, healthcare, education, and humanitarian ties as a whole", emphasising that they should "develop interbank cooperation, (and) expand the use of national currencies".
President Lula elaborated on the role of the NDB as a source of non-Dollar credit to be channelled to development projects that raise physical-economic productivity, a decisive topic that was taken up in NDB President Dilma Rousseff's report to the leaders. Lula stated: "Through the New Development Bank, we can offer our own financing alternatives, tailored to the needs of the Global South. I am sure that, under the leadership of my colleague Dilma Rousseff, the Bank will rise to these challenges. The creation of a currency for trade and investment transactions between BRICS members increases our payment options and reduces vulnerabilities."

There was also unanimity among the five leaders on the desirability of expanding the BRICS as 23 countries have already applied for membership, although the specific mechanism and principles of that expansion were left to be announced on August 24. Prime Minister Modi unambiguously stated: "India fully supports the expansion of the BRICS membership." President Xi stressed: "I am glad to see the growing enthusiasm of Developing Countries about BRICS cooperation, and quite a number of them have applied to join the BRICS cooperation mechanism. We need… win-win cooperation to bring more countries into the BRICS family, so as to pool our wisdom and strength."
Perhaps, most indicative of the sea-change underway, of the emerging new paradigm of cooperation and dialogue of civilisations that was palpable at the BRICS Summit, are numerous comments made by the leaders about the common philosophical roots and commitments of each of their cultures to all of Humanity, to the good of Mankind. Indian Prime Minister Modi began his remarks to the plenary by noting that "at some distance from here is the Tolstoy Farm, which was built by Mahatma Gandhi 110 years ago. By combining the great ideas of India, Eurasia and Africa, Mahatma Gandhi laid a strong foundation for our unity and mutual harmony".

Sounding a similar note, President Xi wrote an article that was published in a number of South African newspapers on August 21. In the article, the Chinese President mentioned: "South Africa's Ubuntu philosophy advocates compassion and sharing. It resonates well with the values of Confucianism - 'Love the people and all beings and seek harmony among all nations.'" He concluded his remarks to the Plenary Session with the following call: "As an African proverb puts it, 'If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together'. The philosophy of Ubuntu, which believes that 'I am because we are', highlights the interdependence and interconnectedness of all peoples. Similarly, harmonious coexistence has been the aspiration of the Chinese nation for thousands of years. China is ready to work with BRICS partners to pursue the vision of a community with a shared future for mankind, enhance the strategic partnership, and deepen cooperation across the board. As fellow BRICS members, we should meet our common challenges with a shared sense of mission, shape a brighter future with a common purpose, and march together on the journey toward modernisation."
Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the founder of Schiller Institute Inc, responded to the historic BRICS Summit by stating: "Only the Global North is now missing" to bring about a true renaissance for all Mankind. That is the central theme of her widely circulating petition, "Appeal to the Citizens of the Global North: We Must Support the Construction of a New Just World Economic Order!" and of her weekly live online dialogue on August 25, "In Light of the BRICS Summit, Let's Talk About Ending the Isolation of the Global North!"

Boundless Ocean of Politics received this article from Germany-based Schiller Institute Inc on August 25, 2023.
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