Today's Bible Reading- Ezekiel Chapters 34-35 & 1 Peter Chapter 2.

Good morning, my friends. I hope you're well. I'm a little cranky today. It's hitting home that I have to leave today for Atlanta, and frankly, I don't want to.

Our weather today is going to be a high of 59° with a 20% chance of rain. I have to leave in a couple of hours to pick up the food. I'm grateful that at least we'll have some sort of Thanksgiving dinner.

I'll admit, I'm mostly cranky because I don't handle change very well. I like tradition. I had big plans for this year's dinner. I wanted to smoke a turkey on the grill, make homemade pumpkin pie from scratch, make my blueberry and apple relish, jell-o salad, and dressing and sweet potato casserole. I wanted to make a delicious dinner this year because to be honest, this year has sucked.

Since it's Thanksgiving, though, I should focus on the things I can be grateful for. So I will try. I'm thankful that my car is still running. I'm on the second transmission and it's been slipping a little, but the Lord is keeping it going. I'm thankful that Gracie is still with us, and that we were able to scrape the money together to get her surgery. Had the Lord not provided the money for that surgery, I wouldn't have her right now. I'm thankful that I have warm clothes to wear and that I know how to knit and crochet warm things. I'm thankful for the Lord preserving my tires after all the potholes I've unintentionally hit. I'm thankful for hot coffee. I'm thankful that Cracker Barrel will provide our dinner today so we'll have some sort of traditional meal. I'm thankful that the Lord helped me find directions to the hotel that allows me to avoid the highways. Georgia traffic is atrocious. Atlanta is also very dangerous. I'm nervous about going there for even the little bit that we'll be there.

I'm thankful that we had a good garden this year. I'm thankful for the delicious potatoes we harvested from the garden. They were delicious. I'm thankful for the little Christmas tree that we do have to celebrate the season. I'm thankful that even though we have Communists running the country and trying to destroy us, the Lord is still on His throne and He will deal with them accordingly. I look forward to that.

Well, my friends, I do have things to be thankful for, and already I have to leave in an hour to pick up dinner. This day is moving fast! Love you all and until next time, stay safe my friends. ❤

P.S. I will write tomorrow, but it'll be later in the day. We are meeting my sister and her family at the aquarium early in the morning and then spending the day with them. I'll write when I get back to the hotel room.

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