Today is a great day to express all the things you are thankful for. It's also a great day to start a ritual of being thankful!

Expressing gratitude for everything you have, even the small things allows more blessings to come into your life.

God loves it when we are thankful for all of the things that he allows to come our way. Be thankful and say so!!

Set an alarm on your phone to go off daily that will tell you to list some things that you are grateful for.

So many times life gets busy and we forget the things that are important. Tell someone that is important to you that you love them, text someone how special they are, give someone the gift of genuinely being kind by being compassionate yourself. You got what it takes to get yourself to that next level .

Love yourself so others can love you too ..

With that said, my beautiful souls, I hope you have a happy Thanksgiving and your day is full of so many blessings.