The word "strive", by definition, makes me cringe. The basic meaning of the word strive is to make a great effort to obtain the things a person desires or wants in life. To strive creates an image of straining considerably. Fortunately for us, all this is not required to have all we want and desire.

So if we are not struggling, striving, nor straining for the things we want to achieve in life, how are we supposed to have the kind of life we truly desire? The answer is simple. We love it. If it sounds like it's too simple to be true, it's because it is simple! I know it sounds so very esoteric, and believe me, it is! Love has no choice but to be attracted to love. So, therefore whatever we love, and hold gratefully in our being will come to us.

We are so used to having to "work hard at it" to get the life we truly want and desire, or the things we decide will create happiness. The bottom line, if we are loving, we will be happy and are happy. Holding a vision in love in our hearts is the first beat toward getting the subject of our deepest desires. Our gratitude and thankfulness for those things bring power to love and helps lead and guide us toward our greatest dreams and accomplishments.

There is not one thing I have ever done or obtained in life that I have not significantly loved first. It's because we live in a universe that returns to us what we put out into it. Our Universe our God, the powers that "be" are complete and will never fail.

Sometimes things don't come to us in the form we think they will; they will come to us better than we thought! If great love has been placed upon it, then greater will the return be in the love that has been given. It sounds easy. It is easy. Jesus taught there is no need to strive for anything. If you take a look at nature, you begin to realize that the birds, animals, and plants of the earth are always given what they need and love to sustain life.

How would any of us be different? We are not! Close your eyes for a moment and picture the greatest treasure you desire in life. Allow that vision to travel to your heart space and feed it, love. Then send it out with great intention. Love it daily, and you will be surprised at what will come your way in the form of blessing, synchronicities, and even more…results!

Bottom line, if you can dream about it, love it and be thankful for it, you have it already! Just reach out your hands and be grateful. We live and love in a Universe that is standard, and works for us every single time! Isn't that a blessing?

Loving YOU from here,

Dr. Rev. Jenine Marie Howry, PhD.