Cat, Pet, Animal, Tabby Cat

"Where have you been?" he asked, his tail thrashing back and forth.

"I've been busy.  I drop off your food everyday, I just haven't had time to sit and have a conversation."

"So, you're saying I'm not important enough for you to make time for me, right?"

"No, I'm not saying that at all," she sighed.  "I'm saying that I've been really busy."

He glared at her.

"I'm sorry, okay?"

He closed his eyes and ignored her.

"What can I do to make it up to you?"

He turned his back on her but said, "Live hamster."

"Never  going to happen," she said.  "Not in a million years."

"Neither one of us will be here a million years from now and if we are, hamsters might be extinct."

She leaned forward and kissed him.  "Deal with it."

"Easy for you to say."

"Would you want to live for a million years?" she asked, petting his back.

"No.  Would you?"

She shook her head.  "No. But I think it's strange that all of us have such short life spans.  It doesn't make sense."

He shrugged.  "It's actually insane, when you think about it.  Imagine forever, if you can, then consider that fruit flies live for about six minutes.  The rest of us live days, weeks, or years, but not many, and we can't do anything about ANYTHING.  That's the thing.  Your species deludes itself into believing that it has control over one thing or another, but they don't.  None of us, control anything in our lives."

"Okay, depressing again.  Let's find something nice to talk about, or I'm either going to stop listening to you, or leave."

"We could talk about hamsters, birds, mice, or hens."

"Do you WANT me to leave?"

"Jeeze, you're so touchy," he said.  "Summer's pretty much over, but you'd never know it by the weather."

"True, but it's getting dark earlier and the sun is on it's side and slanting in a weird way so it doesn't come in the windows the way I like it to.  And do NOT tell me I ended that sentence with a preposition."

"I won't because you seem to already know it."

She put her face into her hands.  "Tell me something nice."

"The vet was here last night and everyone is fine."

She looked up and smiled at him.  "Thank you."

"Do you want to live to be a hundred?" he asked.

"Some days I feel as if I already am a hundred, but no."

"Maybe that's why we have such short life spans.  Maybe we would hate living longer."

"Maybe.  And who really wants to live a million years when you're punished for not dying by getting physically that old?  If I can't be the me I want to be, then I don't want to be."

"I get that.  Besides, you guys make life so much harder than it has to be."


"Jinx broke up with his girlfriend."

"She seemed nice.  What happened?"

"She is nice," he said.  "But Jinx said he's a free spirit and doesn't like being tied down."

"I know a lot of men and women who are the same way."

"You mean like you?" he asked, curling into a ball.   "You only like cats."

"Nap time?" she asked.

He started purring.

"I love you," she whispered into his hear, as she kissed him.

"Not enough to bring me a hamster," he snickered.

She kissed him again.  "See you tomorrow."

He nodded sleepily, and she blew him a kiss as she left.

He caught it and smiled.