Hey loves, in this post I'll be sharing with you how to manifest anything you want instantly using affirmations.

If you have been following the blog for a while now you'll know how much I love affirmations and how helpful they can be and believe me when I say you can manifest anything you want with daily affirmations.

Affirmations are very powerful, so is your thoughts, emotions, beliefs and actions. To manifest anything you want you need your thoughts, emotions, beliefs and actions to be positive and powerful.

Most people doubt the power of attraction, affirmations and manifestation so it doesn't really work for them so if you are wondering if you can really manifest anything you want the answer is yes! You just have to know how to use affirmations to manifest what you want and how to make affirmations work for you.

How do you start manifesting what you want?

There are a few steps to put into consideration if you want to attract what you desire and manifestation is bringing something tangible into your life through thoughts, attraction, feelings and beliefs. It is the process of turning your dreams into reality. Now let's look at the steps that must be taken.

How to use positive affirmations to manifest anything you want

  1. Know what you want
  2. Visualize what you want
  3. Speak into existence what you want

You have to declare specific goals in their completed state. You have to repeat them daily and believe in them.

Eleven Steps To Manifest Anything You Desire

1. Know exactly what you want: how do you know the affirmations to use if you don't know what you want? You need to know exactly what you want. Know it and own it. Make it clear and concise.

2. Write it down: now that you know exactly what you want, write it down. What do you want? When do you want it? Why do you want it? You need to write it down and make it clear and concise as possible. What, when and why do you want to manifest what you want to manifest? Setting goals are important and that's why you have to write down what you want to manifest 15 Reasons Why It's Important To Set Goals If You Want To Succeed

woman in blue sweater writing on her planner
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com

3. Visualize it: I love doing this a lot. Visualize what you want. See yourself having what you want, see yourself becoming what you want. See yourself doing what you want. See yourself living where you want now feel it. How do you feel now that you have what you want? How do you act now that you are who you want to be? You need to experience it, feel it and enjoy the process. Imagine it all.

4. Meditate/ Pray: I know a lot of people love meditations and they are really helpful especially for visualizations so meditating and visualizing your desire is a great combination. Another great option is to pray about it. Send a message to God about what you want and be rest assured that it will come to you.

5. Believe: you need to believe in what you want and know that you can get it. How do you expect to get something when you don't believe you can get it? Believe you can have it and you will have it. Have faith and trust that what you want is coming to you. Have the convinction that what you want wants you and is making its way to you. Believe in yourself and God and have full faith that anything you want to manifest is yours already.

6. Reframe your mindset: when you think of the things you want how does it make you feel? Do you feel that you can't have it? If you complain about lack see things from abundance. Be positive instead of negative. Change your thinking pattern. Choose to be positive instead of negative. Be mindful of your negative thoughts and let go of every fear, doubt and limiting beliefs that makes you think you cannot manifest anything you want.

7. Work towards your goals: the thing you are trying to manifest will not just magically appear to you. In most cases you have to work for it. Sleeping all day will not do the trick. Go out there and work. Do something daily that will bring you a step closer to your goals.

8. Be grateful for what you have and what you are about to receive: practice gratitude. Be grateful for what you have already and what is to come. Count your blessings. Do not compare or be envious of someone else. Be glad because what you want is on its way. Learn to say thank you, always be Ina grateful spirit.

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Photo by Giftpundits.com on Pexels.com

9. Affirm it: speak what you want into existence. Speak about your specific goals in their completed state. You have to repeat them daily and believe in them. Speak as though you already have it. Instead of always saying you are broke say you are wealthy. Don't speak about your current situation that is not favourable. Speak about the situation that you want to have as if you already have it.

10. Wait for it: be patient. What you want is going to come to you. Yes it may take time but it will surely come to you. Do not compare yourself to someone else or be anxious about when you will have it and if you find yourself overthinking check out this post. 15 THINGS TO DO TO STOP YOURSELF FROM OVER THINKING EVERYTHING

11. Be who you want to attract: show up as who you want to become. If you want to attract wealth show up as someone wealthy. If you do not have the physical assets to show for your wealth why don't you grow your mindset to be wealthy. 10 Simple, Strategic Things You Should Do To Build Good Habits That Sticks to match that of a wealthy person. Wealthy people are disciplined, check out this post on how you can become disciplined. Discipline: How To Develop The Habit And Why It Is Important, consistent, hardworking, resilient, can those traits be found in you? You need to be disciplined and show up as what you want to attract so that it comes to you quicker.

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Photo by Katie Harp on Pexels.com

Note: if you really want something and truly believe it is possible. It will happen. You can make your dreams and desires become reality. You can manifest anything and everything you want. Once you can visualize it, believe it and work for it. You can hold it in your hands. Whatever you focus on and believe is what you will manifest.

Please share this post on your social media platforms if you found it helpful. Share with your family and friends. If you liked this post you should definitely get the guide on how to manifest anything you want using affirmations. It comes with 20 affirmations that attract wealth fast and if that's something you want sign up to get it sent immediately to your email.