It's Saturday, and we are gathered at the very loud but empty looking bar. Despite the noise, we're going to enjoy a nice cold beverage and some discussion around the subject Linda G. Hill's Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt,

"Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is 'hope.' Use it any way you'd like. Have fun!"

I think we can have fun, as long as we can talk above the din.

"Cheryl, I think it's my week to pay, would you bring me a John Howell's special and pull a cold Corona out for Dan, I think I saw him pulling in."

"You got it, David. I'll be right back."

"Dan, it's good to see you my young friend. Your beer is on order and on my tab."

"Thanks David. It's been a long, wet week; I'm looking forward to that beer."

"What does your shirt say, Clemente? I know you're a Pirates fan, but, um, well, didn't he die about fifty years ago?"

"He did, David. That means he can't be traded."

"I don't follow your logic, Dan."

"It's simple, David. When the Pirates have a good player, if you're a fan, you buy a shirt and you hope the owner doesn't trade him."

"Greedy bas…"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa David. Family bar, remember? Here's your bourbon, your snifter of seltzer and your glass of ice. Dan, here's that cold Corona."

"Thanks, Cheryl. Look, I understand the family bar thing, but we're the only two people up here and that crowd in the lounge is drowning out anything we say."

"That crowd, David, is a birthday party for an eight-year-old."

"Oh. OK. Selling lots of soda today?"

"Yeah. Soda and iced tea."

"Excuse me, miss."

"Hang on guys, I'll be right back. Yes Ma'am, can I help you?"

"I hope so. Will you be preparing the drinks for the tables in the lounge?"


"There's an order in there for an iced coffee. I was hoping I could slip you some cash to Irish that up a notch?"

"Haha – sure. Three dollars."

"Here. Thanks. Keep the change and please keep this between us."

"You got it. Thanks."

"What was that all about, Cheryl."

"One of the moms had a special request."

"Looks like another mom needs your attention."

"Thanks Dan. Hi, can I help you?"

"Um, I was wondering, hoping really... I ordered a glass of seltzer. I asked for cranberry juice, to make it unique. What would it take to put a splash of Tito's in there?"

"Three dollars."

"Here, keep the change."

"Thank you. Don't worry, I'll keep this between us girls."

"Thanks. I excused myself to visit the Ladies Room. Where would that be?"

"Up those stairs. Turn left after you pass the kitchen."


"Ma'am, you're going the wrong way."

"Oh, I don't need to use the facilities. I just wanted to know in case anyone asks."

"You guys doing OK?"

"We are, Cheryl. Looks like you have a pretty nice sideline going."

"Yeah. You guys want another round? When that drink order comes in, I'm going to be busy for a while."

"Let's do that, Cheryl. I don't want to get stuck behind twenty-five root beers."

"I'll be right back."

"So, Dan, back to the Pirates. No hope for the future?"

"If we make it to August without losing Frazier or Reynolds for a few bucks and three minor league prospects, maybe."

"Here you go guys. Another glass of bourbon and another Corona. Oops, and another customer on the down low. Hi, can I help you?"

"Hi, I'm with the group downstairs. I ordered a tall, iced tea with lime, instead of lemon. That ice tea is in Queens. I hope to move it a little farther out on Long Island. Can we do that?"

"Three dollars will put you in Nassau county. Five will take you into Suffolk."

"Here's five, but Nassau is far enough – keep the change."


"Cheryl, I have the drink order for the lounge."

"Thanks, Ashley, I'll get right on it."

"Be careful, some of those women seemed very particular."

"Yeah, I hope I can keep it all straight."

Note: Teagan Geneviene had some Internet issues this week. If you missed her announcement about the next Journey of "Dead of Winter," you can find it here.