When a farmer grows a crop in a field the farmer allows same field the following year..

The necessary time needed for the field to actually replenish restore soil's lost nutrients..

Farmer's rotate crops to allow soil the necessary time to regain the lost nutrients in soil..

This naturally allows microorganisms within the soil between his crops..

The necessary time needed to replenish and restore his fields soil's nutrients..

So the farmer actually has the best chance to harvest another crop the following year..

Microorganisms in the farmer's soil actually supports his whole crop in a very similar way too how microbiome..

Within gut..

Microbiome naturally supports human's a little alike the microorganisms in soil supports nutrients for crops..

Nutrients which is found in soil actually supports natural growth of the farmer's crops..

When human's damage their guts natural environment..

Human's damage what sustains the sustainability of their guts microbiome..

The wealth of the guts environment helps sustain the quality of the microbiome..

In which simply inturn helps sustain the quality of the life we are allowed to live..

Monitoring our bodies contamination is as important as microbiome itself..

Because what if level of microbiome which now exists was actually a sign..

In which could tell the human race..

Contamination is the real threat to the gut itself..

Microbiome can only naturally sustain itself as well as the natural environment within gut itself..

Is the environment within the gut trying to stealthily show human's a much larger picture..

That could tell human's the don't allow gut..

In which should naturally support the human body to have enough me time..

To allow the gut to replenish the life we live..

Because when contamination actually constantly interferes with the environment microbiome lives..

Chemical suppression simply damages the natural habitat which microbiome lives..

Which creates a deathly environment which can only sustain microbiome..

Which actually can live in the new environment..

If we allow chemicals to override human body we unnaturally inturn..

Take away the nature of our human nature..

In which mathematically speaking takes away the goodness from within ourself..

Which was naturally provided to each and every one of us to share with one another..

Not destroy one another like the way we live with one another in modern world today..

How on earth can we soulfully blame spastic for all the contamination..

When the earth and our human body only has limited resources to replenish how chemicals stealthily damage our biological system's..

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