Attila, though aware of the treachery and the traitor, had received the Roman ambassadors, as a barbarian indeed, but as a king; and with that strange mixture of rudeness and magnificence, of which I shall have, as I proceed, to give more detailed specimens. As he entered the royal village or capital with his guests, a numerous troop of women came out to meet him, and marched in long files before him, chanting hymns in his honour.

As he passed the door of one of his favourite soldiers, his wife presented wine and meat for his refreshment. He did not dismount, but a silver table was raised for his accommodation by his domestics, and then be continued bis march. His palace, which was all of wood, was surrounded by a wooden wall, and contained separate houses for each of his numerous wives. The Romans were taken round to all of them to pay their respects; and they admired the singular quality and workmanship of the wooden columns which they found in the apartments of his queen <&' state wife. She received them reclining on a soft couch, with her ladies round her working at embroidery. Then they had an opportunity of seeing his council; the supreme tribunal was held in the gate of the palace, according to Oriental custom, perpetuated even to this day in the title of the " Ottoman Porte".

Attila feasted

They were invited to two solemn banquets, in which Attila feasted with the princes and nobles of Scythia. The royal table and couch were covered with carpets and fine linen. The swords, and even the shoes of the nobles, were studded with gold { and precious stones; the tables were profusely spread with gold and silver plates, goblets, and vases. Two bards stood before the King's couch, and sung of his victories. Wine was drunk in great excess; and buffoons, Scythian and Moorish, exhibited their unseemly dances before the revellers. When the Romans were to depart, Attila had discovered to them his knowledge of the treachery, which had been carried on against him.

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