Was June joyful? Let's see what the numbers made of it:

40 walks with Tilly

32,179 steps walked by me on my busiest day^

5 pieces of Happy Mail sent

7 traditional 12x12 scrapbook pages created by me

3 visits with family members

1 photo of mine on the walls of a public exhibition 🙂

8 items ticked off on this year's Photography Scavenger Hunt list

30 sessions of online Pilates

15 online Step classes via YouTube

3 days of self-isolation*

2 litres of laxative drunk - not a pleasant experience*

3 hospital visits - a face-to-face with a consultant, a COVID-19 test and a colonoscopy*

^This is how I reached such a large daily step count: online Step class, morning walk with Tilly, walk to the local B&Q to look at paint colours and wall lights, walk to M&S to collect an order, afternoon walk with Tilly, walk with The Boy to see the nurse. 🙂

*I have a post about my recent health scare going live next week.

Month in Numbers was the brainchild of Julie. You can see my previous Month in Numbers here.