Here is my story for Friday Fictioneers, hosted by Rochelle. This week's photo was contributed by Russell Gayer.

I couldn't really think of a story but I didn't want to miss a week.

Copyright Russell Gayer

"Send in the report, Haversham."

"But there's nothing to report, Sarge. Can't we go home?"

"We were told to conduct surveillance on this area, Haversham. That's what we'll do."

"It seems like we've been here forever. I'm sure there used to be more cars and people and less forest outside when we started."

"Ours not to reason why."

"I never used to be this old. And look at Ken. He's all skin and bone. Well, mostly bone. I think they've forgotten we're here."

"We do our duty, Haversham. We've got movement. 'Squirrel in tree 90 metres north of location.' Note it down, man, note it down!"