Wednesday, June 30, 2021

[New post] Carl Friedrick – Luxury Travel Luggage

Men Style Fashion posted: "Four are the fundamental pillars of luggage, a primary design that introduced even more ingenious elements of functionality. Lightweight construction, style and technology applied to control for ease moving the streets of Europe or in this case Venice, It"

[New post] FF – Dedication to Duty

draliman posted: " Here is my story for Friday Fictioneers, hosted by Rochelle. This week's photo was contributed by Russell Gayer. I couldn't really think of a story but I didn't want to miss a week. Copyright Russell Gayer "Send in the report, Haversham." "

[New post] Month in Numbers | June 2021

Ruth posted: " Was June joyful? Let's see what the numbers made of it: 40 walks with Tilly 32,179 steps walked by me on my busiest day^ 5 pieces of Happy Mail sent 7 traditional 12x12 scrapbook pages created by me 3 visits with family members 1 p"

[New post] Putins presskonferens med folket – bra idé för Väst att ta efter?

Global Politics posted: " Igår skedde den 18:de direkta frågesessionen rum mellan president Vladimir Putin och ryska medborgare. I de rapporter jag tagit del noteras inget mer anmärkningsvärt. Men viktigt att del av den för den geopolitiskt intresserade. Jag rapporterar del"

[New post] Candiani insieme a Coreva lancia il primo jeans stretch biodegradabile e compostabile (100%)

gaiazoe posted: " Candiani Denim è sinonimo di jeans e di sostenibilità. L'azienda che ha il merito di aver introdotto molti marchi fashion al mondo del denim sostenibile ha lanciato una nuova collezione di jeans insieme a COREVATM con cui ha portato sul mercato italiano "

Your Newspaper, 26th of March

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