Q: When we worship God is it about our giving to Him what is pleasing or is it more about getting what makes us feel pleasure?
A - My Pondering: Worship is about God first and foremost. Always has and always will. Anything else is a facade. We are encouraged to worship God because God needs it, its because He deserves it. Its part of our creational design.
When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, it's reciprocal as we are part of the circular relationship. As Jesus taught, less of my old self means more of Him, my new and improved man…that's a good pleasurable exchange.
Apart from the Spirit residing in us, it's impossible to please God via worship. There is no connection. With the Spirit, its inclusive, so its not an OR thing but an AND, from my experience and study of Scripture.
When we bless God, because He is so good and loving, we are blessed in return.
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