the universe
is beautiful
at least from a distance
up close
we wouldn't seen anything
because everything is so far apart
the closer you get to something
the less you can see
but we
make up stories
to feed our egos
telling ourselves that we matter
that we're important
that what we do
has some kind of meaning
we could simply understand
that we're just one more tiny
insignificant thing
floating around in a galaxy
with an endless number of other galaxies
we could love the planet
care for everything that lives on it
and just enjoy the moment
we exist
instead of killing everything
and thinking that greed
is the best thing
since sliced bread
and that enslaving others
and causing them harm
is a way to live
to punish
and kill
everything that lives
makes any sense
we are letting this happen
we are allowing
the mentally ill men in charge
to destroy
because of their own
I wonder
how many planets
our species has already destroyed
how much
killing we have done
I doubt this is the first time
the universe is a violent place
things explode
bump into each other
big galaxies eat smaller galaxies
but they don't have intent
that's an important word
the men who are doing all the killing
are doing it with INTENT
they intend to do harm
to kill
people often ask why we're here
I think it's simply
to destroy ourselves
there are those who believe
we are watched by aliens
because they don't want
nukes going off
but that's ridiculous
bigger things blow up
in space all the time
shooting radiation everywhere
black holes
are usually hungry
and if they're resting
it's just until something
hits their even horizon
they they chow down agin
we aren't that important
in fact
if we are being watched
it's probably so whoever is looking
can plan a huge party
to celebrate the fact
that we're
there is absolutely no reason
that life should be the way it is
it's destructive
and insane
there's no reason
for all the pain and suffering
there is no reason that drugs
that heal
are withheld
so that big pharma
can make money
and if parents really
loved their children
they would be fighting
for clean air
food that wasn't poison
water that wouldn't make their kids sick
an education that mattered
the end of war
but brainwashing is very effective
if done properly
isn't it
the men in charge
don't have to lock us in cells
we're already sitting in them
with our hands folded
waiting for what
they want to do to us
Art from: Pixabay
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