Happy Saturday. We are taking time out from a 3-day weekend to enjoy our usual Saturday treat. We'll spend enough time here to solve Linda's SoCS puzzle, and then we'll move onto the solemn and fun festivities.
Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is "move." Use it as a verb or a noun; write the first thing that comes to mind. Have fun!
Stream of Consciousness Saturday—Linda G. Hill
If we were having a beer, you'd be trying to escape.
"Happy Saturday, Dan. No plans for the weekend?"
"I plan to avoid anything having to do with shopping or travel, David. How's that?"
"That's good. As long as Cheryl has some John Howell's Bourbon, I don't have to go anywhere."
"I have bourbon and Modelo on tap for you guys. It's going to be slow here, unless people want to pre-picnic on our patio."
"I'd like to be on your patio during our picnic tomorrow, Cheryl."
"Not a hot dog and burger guy, David?"
"Those are fine foods, it's the company I'd like to avoid. My wife's family."
"They do seem to bring out the worst in you."
"Put that family at a convent social and the nuns would be tossing hymnals at each other before the day was over."
"No wonder we can't have peace on our time, David."
"It's true, Dan. These people will fight about anything—and this is an election year."
"Can't you make an excuse not to go?"
"It's at my house this year! We get it every four years. They skipped Covid, so it moved back a year. Now we're stuck with the presidential election years. It's enough to make a man drink."
"Yes, Cheryl."
"You already drink. Here's your John Howell's Special. I gave you an extra cherry."
"Thanks. By the way, Dan, if you'd like to drop in for a burger tomorrow…"
"Thanks, but no. I think I need to write something."
"The rest of Bessie O'Hara's story? You left us hanging on that one."
"Actually, I have another story about her, but not the one you're thinking of. Still, it might help."
"Are you publishing that on Monday?"
"No. I have a different story scheduled for Monday."
"According to my calendar, you're out of Mondays, my young friend."
"I know. I thought I'd tell you the story next week when we're here."
"Next Saturday is June first. I thought this was a month-of-May thing."
"It is, but Thursday Doors always runs from Thursday to Saturday, so I extended the deadline."
"Was the Saturday thing your idea, Dan?"
"No. Norm Frampton always gave us three days to get our doors in."
"You gotta love Canadiens."
"Why not publish the story on Friday?"
"I've been writing a lot. I don't want to overdo it."
"Dan, since you retired, you've written four books. You have another one coming soon, and you publish this blog four days a week. You seriously can't expect us to believe that your worried about asking us to read too much."
"Well, if you have more time to read, Teagan has a new release."
"She does?"
"Yep, The Delta Pearl is out in books form."
"Books—with an 'S'?"
"It's a 'steampunk duology', so yes, books—damn, now you have me thinking about the Twilight Zone—'Having to do with books?' Yes, sir, Books,' That's from the questioning of Mr. Romney Wordsworth…' in The Obsolete Man."
"That's a great episode. Remember the crowd at the end of that, when they grab the guy and slide him up the table?"
"Yes, I do."
"Those are my in-laws. And that woman who pushes the microphone out of the way, that's my sister-in-law."
"Cheryl, please give the old man another glass of bourbon. Maybe you could hide him here for the weekend."
"Thanks Dan, but this is the first place they'd look."
"I guess you're right. It's the first place I'd look for you. Give my best to your wife."
the whole crew is here. The bunny is eating the grass, but does nibble at the corn.
As seen on my walk. I stepped out into the street
I love it when the pine cones land standing up
Rhododendron bud
Starting to bloom
Rhododendrons out front
Rhododendrons in the back yard
One of the babies
Looks like Public Works missed one dDandelion
The memorial is quiet
The playground looks inviting
Do you see him?
Rhododendron almost in full bloom
My annual quest to capture the sprinkler (it creates a rainbow...really)
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