Today's Bible Reading- 2 Samuel Chapters 19-21.
April's Memory Verse- 1 Thessalonians 5:14-17.
Good morning, my friends. I hope you're well. Our forecast for today: 86°, sunny, no rain, winds from the west at 6 miles per hour, and humidity is sitting at 85%.
It's going to be a little warm today! I'm looking forward to it. I finally plugged in my little window a/c unit and turned it on. Gracie is not a fan, but she'll thank me later.
We did get a little rain shower last night. It was nice. The sunberry plants are loaded with flowers and buds. I'm looking forward to trying the fruit out!
It's officially Mom's day out today, so I don't have much planned. She mentioned wanting to get her glasses prescription filled, and she also wanted to go to the library. I'm down for both of those things. If they happen, we'll leave after lunch.
I'm considering watering the garden bed this morning. Oh! The apple trees have little green shoots on them already. The fractured grapevine seems to be doing okay, in spite of getting half of itself whacked off. I'm eagerly awaiting the blueberries to be ripe enough to pick.
Supper tonight will be burgers and tots. I ended up getting Taco Bell last night for supper. I was craving a chalupa. I snarfed two of them down along with a crunchy taco. It was delicious. I regret nothing.
The groceries are in, thank the Lord, I changed some fish water out yesterday. I forgot to close the window on the greenhouse last night. I realized that this morning while viewing the back yard with my binoculars. I didn't have my glasses on, and it looked like a skunk was digging around in my garden bed. Nope. Not a skunk. The neighbor's dog. It dug under the fence and got in my back yard and decided to dig in my garden bed and pee all over it. It may have taken a dump, too. I'm not sure. It's a small dog. One of those weinie type dogs but with long hair. It's older, too.
Anyhoo. Other things that need done today are the trash needs taken out. I have some boxes that need disposed of, but I may get those tomorrow. Since it'll be warm today, I may go ahead and grill the burgers. May. I do have stuff to make steak kebabs, so I need to keep enough charcoal to make those. That'll be a delicious dinner. Mm.
That's about all I have for now, peeps. My mind is wandering this morning. Love you all and until next time, stay safe my friends. ❤
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