This expression "holding our breath" is used to show our excitement about something or being nervous about something important that is taking place in the life.
When something happens for good in life we can't wait for it, so we say that we are holding our breath tightly. On the other hand, if we have a job interview, we can't get a hold to our breaths and we began sweating like anything meaning that we are nervous.
Catching your breath is another term to relax ourselves and take a break from everything that we all are doing and pausing it for a little while. In this hustle bustle life, we all need to slow down and connect with others and ourselves too.
Holding on to everything in life is very difficult at times for everyone especially when nothing works out perfectly just the way they want. When we see some kind of hope and encouragement in our lives, we can't get ourselves together because we are full of emotions. It is strange how we are experiencing the same expression in two various ways. Life is unique and weird at the same time when you all see it in different perspectives.
Don't you all agree with me on this?
When was the last time that you all had experience something like this?
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