I was recently bemoaning the fact that the main stream media in the United States can't seem to focus on more than two serious conflicts at the same time, and even then, the coverage is sorely lacking. But I just discovered the excellent website from the Geneva Academy The Rule of Law in Armed Conflict Map that monitors and plots armed conflicts around the globe. The map currently shows the locations of more than 110 armed conflicts, including the war between Israel and the Palestinian terrorist government in Gaza and the invasion and occupation of parts of Ukraine by Russia.

The Rule of Law in Armed Conflicts (RULAC) online portal has been mapped armed conflicts around the world since 2007. The map currently shows that at least "55 states and more than 70 armed non-State actors" are presently involved in armed conflicts.
If you click on the yellow country markers on the map you can discover which conflicts the selected country is currently involved in. For example if you click on the United States the map reveals that the US is presently involved in "airstrikes in Iraq and Syria" and is "also undertaking strikes against Islamist militants in Somalia, Pakistan, Libya and Yemen."
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