Today we come to the sad ending of Samson's Story. The story of Samson is sad in so many ways. The main point being that things could have been completely different. Samson's story symbolizes the wasted years of humanity, of nations, and of the whole world.
In America, we are born blessed. Our founders agreed to the Mayflower Compact. It carried promises that God would bless us if we remained loyal and obedient to Him. Our founding-fathers and our Constitution reinforced that blessing when our government was first designed. That was way back in the days when the words "for all" actually and literally meant "for all."
Christians have the Covenant of Salvation given freely and individually by Jesus Christ at confession of sins, belief in God and Baptism. The Holy Scriptures verify those things and reinforce them.
Samson had his vows as a Nazarite. His parents taught them to him and reinforced them as he grew into a very strong man.
But what happened in every case that I have mentioned above?
All was taken for granted.
In the days of the judges of Israel; men went their own way and did whatever pleased them the most. Some of the same reasoning seems to be happening in modern times. The law; equally from governing, scriptures, and the common sense that God grants to each individual at birth, has been scorned and abused and misused in every way by many generations.
Covenants have been broken and taken for granted.
God has had a plan for mankind and every nation of the earth from the very beginning. He already knew of it when He created mankind. No matter how much we mess things up; God's will and His plan (which is the best for all of us) always prevails in the end.
Welcome to the COME AS A CHILD BIBLE STUDY which we hold on this blogsite every Thursday. If you wish to keep trecking through the scriptures with us (we are traveling word by word, page by page and chapter by chapter) just click the submit button above and give us your contact information. We NEVER share our information with others and you can feel safe subscribing here. It is our pleasure to have you along with us on this interesting and exciting journey.
Today's lesson is taken from Judges Chapter 16. Our study of the Judges only has a few lessons to go; but they are intense. When we wrap up Judges we will be moving to The Book of Ruth; which is one of the author's favorites.
Last week's lesson first spoke of Samson going after a "prostitute" in Gaza.
It is so funny that AI picked up on the word "prostitute" and would not let me post that article in many places. It also was opposed to the photo of a woman standing under some water cleansing herself; which was merely a shadow and showed no details. My bible study site now has the label of pornography and all of the real porn sites are still up and running and profitable without a problem.
This irony plays right into the story of Samson and all the meanings it reveals to us.
Of course this wayward woman called a prostitute was symbolic of all the false religions in the world.
Samson joined his strength and his Nazarite vow to the body of someone who represented everything his vows did not. For twenty years Samson had managed to lead a clean life. He ruled Israel with success and prosperity.
Then; the prostitute.
We all know that small sins lead to greater sins. With this one wrong move Samson took his focus off of God and his purpose (again) and gave in to the weakness of the flesh.
Then along came Delilah. The temptations of Delilah were so much easier to fall into after having visited the prostitute (false religion symbolized) and again tasting the sins of the flesh. The weakened Samson fell easily into the arms of the waiting Delilah.
Things could have been so different.
It was a set up.
The symbolism of Delilah is so much worse than false religion. It is the next-step after false religion seeps into our culture.
That next step (which is prevalent all across America today) is loyalty at any cost to falsehoods no matter the truth or the consequences.
Delilah symbolizes an apostate church.
This is a church with loyalties to other religions than God. Maybe it comes in the form of a church or the form of what was once true religion, but is now perverted. Often apostasy is in disguise and many can be deceived by outward appearances. It could even be a politically correct government institution; like Marxism. Maybe it could be socialism, or it could mean belonging to an organization that is working independently against all that is true and right.
Globalism makes this easy.
It could be anything that is false or untrue.
Today we see a million examples a day of an apostate church that has no respect, glory or honor for its own original foundations.
When a church begins to incorporate false and untrue religious practices, the true and faithful remnant will quit attending.
When the attendance in churches becomes slack, perhaps because of the guise of a pandemic, satanic activity among the nations, and false religion everywhere in the culture; many weak churches resort to entertaining instead of worship.
They bring in the loud music and the flowery prayers that set the stage for iconic leaders who often become celebrities who need to be supported and sustained so that the entertainment can thrive and continue on.
In Samson's case; he actually became the entertainment for the false worshipers.
Where is God in this picture?
Where is the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
How do people learn to love one another and spread the truth of the Gospel when church becomes something that the masses do once a week to check off a list to state they are "good people."
I'm here to tell you the truth. God NEVER moved or changed. It was the people.
Please excuse the irony and sarcasm.
I DO know and understand that many mega churches are thriving, living the truth, passing on the faith, making disciples and helping to fulfill the purposes of God upon this earth. I am not against mega-churches. For those rare jewels who are faithful, I am eternally grateful. I applaud them and I go there too. Just because a church is large or called a "mega" church doesn't mean it is an apostate church; so don't misunderstand my words here.
However; these institutions are far and few between. They are outnumbered by those who ARE apostate and living "every man for himself" as in the days of the judges. Many people in America are attending church on a regular basis; but this country is still living daily in apostasy.
So Delilah represents the apostate church.
She tried to defeat Samson for money three times. Three times he lied to her and held her off. Finally; this traitor of an un-loyal lover was given the secret of his strength and she sold Samson to his enemies.
Samson died with all those who opposed and misused his original vows to God.
America could go the same way.
We have filled our country with people from religions other than Christianity and Judaism. Now America suffers the curse that comes with all false religions and belonging to apostate churches.
As the scene that happened at the end of Samson's life; one day all of these false churches and organizations and institutions will fall, right along with all of their false worshipers.
Maybe that is part of the point here.
Are we under a new mission to stop apostate religions and to promote Christianity and Judaism in our country (the two religions that worship The One True God.)
Could the need for this be the real riddle hidden inside the story of Samson?
Is God calling out people today who will take a firm stand for the truth and promote it among our people despite the fact that false messages have been spread everywhere to several generations of unseeing people by the enemies of God?
I think so.
So today, if you are a luke-warm Christian that has become weak; like Samson in this story; it is time to return to your first love.
Remember your vows to the God who saves you, sees you and hears you.
Pray to God Almighty.
Do the thing that Samson had so much trouble doing – repent. Repent for yourself, your home, your state, your nation, the world.
Pray for God's mercy and a chance to turn around.
America (and most of the rest of the world) is on the brink of total collapse. It is easy to see this if you pay attention.
If America will do the things listed above; we will return to our original purpose and keep the covenant that we made hundreds of years ago.
The roof doesn't have to fall in on us.
We can change things if we hurry.
America is like Samson during those 20 years that he ruled efficiently and with power. The end of that time has come. Now we must make up our mind which way to go from here.
Will we seek truth and freedom and righteousness? On the other hand; will we turn to falsehoods and fake religions that rule over our fleshly desires?
Unlike Samson, who made a terrible mistake, we can stop visiting the false religions and catering to their ways.
Tuning around and staying the course is all that is needed.
But: this turning must be returning with a whole heart.
A whole heart practices truth in every phase of its religion. It listens to God and does exactly what God's laws allow. Never is the law of God twisted or bended in order to suit an individual's own carnal desires. This is the place where America's sins grow deep. It must change and change quickly.
The New Testament side of a whole heart shows love and respect for everyone. It emanates mercy and forgiveness while standing in love, truth, righteousness and strength from God's Holy Spirit. Salvation begins to move on to Sanctification as a nation grows up and grows strong.
It was too late for Samson. The enemies gouged out his eyes. He could no longer see.
We are not yet completely blind in America. We still have a little strength left (Revelation 3:8-10.) Some can still see truth with opened eyes.
It isn't too late for us.
How long can we say this?
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