Dan Antion posted: " Last week, I shared some photos I took while stuck in traffic. I mentioned that I had several leftovers and since days of cold, snow and "wintry mix" have followed, I decided to share the leftovers today. That might seem like a cheesy excuse for leftov" No FacilitiesRead on blog or reader
Welcome to Thursday Doors! This is a weekly challenge for people who love doors and architecture to come together to admire and share their favorite door photos, drawings, or other images or stories from around the world. If you'd like to join us, simply create your own Thursday Doors post each (or any) week and then share a link to your post in the comments below, anytime between 12:01 am Thursday morning and Saturday noon (North American eastern time). If you like, you can add our badge to your post.
in primo piano - photos
Last week, I shared some photos I took while stuck in traffic. I mentioned that I had several leftovers and since days of cold, snow and "wintry mix" have followed, I decided to share the leftovers today. That might seem like a cheesy excuse for leftovers, but I like leftovers, with or without cheese melted over them.
For those who are unfamiliar with last week's post, I was stuck in traffic in Hartford, Connecticut after three accidents on Interstate 91 (the north south highway through Hartford) forced rush hour traffic onto the city streets. Although I was making slow progress through the city, I was stuck in rush hour traffic on the other side of the city and I was behind several school buses. I used this stop and go period to snag some pictures.
Due to this activity, some of my photos include a tree or a utility pole or part of my car. Also, one home appears twice–once while I was at a traffic signal and once as a school bus stopped on the other side of the intersection. But, the two views each show unique aspects of the house.
In addition to the doors, I am still participating in Linda G. Hill's JusJoJan challenge. Today, the prompt is "Cheesy" and it was provided by Yvensong. I checked out her blog, it's worth a look.
Just Jot January 10-year badge
The red is bumper-to-bumper traffic. The blue is my route to pick up my friend and return (almost to where I started) (my friend couldn't drive).
Wraparound porch, multiple bump-outs and an interesting dormer
I bit modern for my tastes
I like how the section extended over the entrance splits the roof
I wish the turret extended another level, but the porch adds enough to offset that
Gotta love those colors
Sorry about the tree
I didn't get a good picture, but I got the door
I do like these apartments
These buildings are in Pope Park, on the west edge of the city
Another apartment building
I like how the angle of this view shows the details on the right side
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