Today's Bible Reading- Mark Chapters 2-5.
Good morning, my friends. I hope you're well. Our forecast for today: 69°, cloudy, 70% chance of rain, moderate air quality, winds are currently from the southwest at 12 miles per hour, and humidity is sitting at 97%.
Pardon me while I attend to the fur baby. She's quite insistent on food.
Okay. Bowl washed, new bag open, fresh food in bowl, and all that for three bites. What a cat.
Yesterday was a productive day. My hip and lower back hurt like crazy, but I kept going in spite of the pain. The trash is out, Mom had her lab work. Better results than last time, thank the Lord. We needed a tank to put the fishies in, so I went and got one. The table we'll set them up on needed clearing off. I did that. Cardboard needed taking to the recycling center, and there were some old mops that Mom wanted me to take as well. I was too chicken to take them, so she told me to put them in the car and she'd go along. I did that, and she went and asked the dude there where they went. He told her and she plopped them in the correct dumpster.
Yeah. I was too chicken to ask the dude. Bawk bawk.
We went to the dollar store after that and looked around for a few minutes. Then I came home and put Mom's heated blanket on the drying rack, and then I started supper. We had pad Thai. It was decent but I made too much, so it's leftovers night!
Pop has hit his 40 hours this week, so he'll be home early today. I think he said something about leaving at 1:00. That'll give us time to get the fishies relocated. We have the new tank set up. Last night we went to the pet store and bought an air pump and a filter for the new tank. We also got some sand for the bottom of the new tank, too.
Today, with the Lord's help, I have ledgers to balance, fish to transfer, bank visit to make, and I'm sure there's more that I can't remember.
Anyhoo. That's all I have for now, peeps. Love you all and until next time, stay safe my friends. 
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