Today's Bible Reading- Jeremiah Chapters 44-47.
Good morning, my friends. I hope you're well. Our forecast for today: 95°, sunny, 30% chance of rain, moderate air quality, light smoke hazard, winds are coming from the northeast at 4 miles per hour, and humidity is at 72%.
We're still under a heat advisory here. It started yesterday around noon, and will probably continue for most of the day. Y'all. It was hot yesterday. At 9:30 last night, our heat index was still in the 90s. I've been blessed most of the summer to be able to turn my air conditioner off at night, but not last night. Even Gracie was hot.
That said, I ended up making pad Thai for supper. Not sure why. It just felt like the thing to make. It was decent. I think I like the other brand of pad Thai sauce better, though.
Pop put some more water in the fish tank yesterday. They are thoroughly enjoying it, too! They've been fed already this morning, and they were swimming all over the tank. They're water is already almost 80°, though.
My plans for today: I'm going to balance ledgers, change my sheets, vacuum my room, and try to keep cool. That's the plan for today. Oh, I also need to pick up some meds for Mom. I just thought about that. Not really a day off for me, but I had a day this week where I didn't do much. It was just too hot.
I'm tempted to go into the craft store today, but I think I better lay off. I need to save my money, not spend it.
That's all for now, peeps. I hope you have a wonderful Saturday. Love you all and until next time, stay safe my friends. 
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