Honestly, I planned to watch the GOP debate live in its tirety. In fact I got a few minutes in. I had to stop after the moderator polled the candidates with this question: "Would you still support Trump as the Republican nominee despite his four indictments?" Everyone but Chris Christie and Asa Hutchinson raised their hand and that was when I had to stop watching.
That was why Trump knew he didn't need to be there. That was why everyone knows Trump is and will be the Republican Nominee. That was nothing more than a confirmation everyone on the stage as well as the four who weren't there are running to get the Vice President nomination or cabinet positions. One or the other.
As of last night, Trump is unofficially the Republican Nominee. I know a lot of Dems are hopeful about his mounting legal issues stopping him but let's be honest, even if he's convicted today Trump is not going to prison. I'll just put it like that. Every legal scholar regardless of their political views saying so know what they are talking about like it or not.
This then raises the obvious question for Republican Voters who don't like Trump and don't want him back in office: "Where do we go from here?"
Vote Blue. Vote Blue. Vote Blue.
Priority right now needs to be denying Trump a 2024 election victory at all costs. We know the Far Right has been saying there will not be a 2024 Presidential Election if they have their way but we went through this in 2020 already when COVID-19 was still killing thousands a day.
We will not and cannot allow the death cult, Christian Nationalists and White Nationalists to have their way because they are making plans for armed conflict across the U.S. right now. They are counting on the government distrust they are helping to sow to justify their hostile takeover of America.
This Republican Party is openly planning and plotting to turn America into a Theocratic Autocracy. They want to rule, not govern. It's time for new political parties to rise up since the Democrats running everything indefinitely is not a good idea either. We cannot and should not have single party rule and we also need to have more than two political parties.
Those who've been Republican voters for generations and hate Trump are probably thinking by now "Why do I have to leave my party? Why don't all these lunatics go form their own party?" Both questions have the same answer: They own the Republican Party now. It's theirs now and there is NOTHING you can do about it.
So, the best thing for you and yours to do is separate yourselves from what the GOP has become over the last 10 years. Many people are leaving the party mainly for that reason. The only people staying or joining the party are those who have bought in or are buying into turning America into a Theocratic Autocracy built on hate and chaos. They are being open about their intentions and want everyone to know it too.

As of this post former president Trump has been indicted for the 4th time, this time in Georgia. In a recent post on his Truth Social platform this past weekend, Trump let it slip he is considering fleeing to Russia. Yes, really. Like I said to a few people on Xitter, I hope the FBI and the Department of Justice are paying attention to things like that because his passport was never confiscated as a condition for all of his indictments. I'll be surprised if it's different for the Georgia indictment personally.
On that note. It goes without saying Donald Trump has been getting special treatment with all of his indictments to date. Warrants for his arrest were never issued. That is a fact. He was never handcuffed during his indictments publicly or otherwise. That is a fact. Trump has openly and repeatedly violated some of the terms of his paroles and has not suffered any immediate legal (yet). That is a fact.
...Yet his base, the entire Republican Party and others want you to believe Trump is being treated unfairly. Emphasis on "want you to believe". That doesn't make it true though.
I get those who like to talk about personal responsability in regards to those from the 1/6 attack on the US Capitol doing time in prison. I've talked to some of them and most of them rightfully tell you it doesn't make sense that they were held legally responsible but the person they did it for suffered no real legal, political or social penalties.
THIS is why Trump being held legally responsible is so important. For the system to turn a blind eye to Trump's role in just that, everyone prosecuted for 1/6/2021 would be able to rightfully make the case they themselves were denied justice. Yes many of them admitted in court to wrongdoing but it doesn't change the fact they were manipulated into doing what they did.
...This is why a mass public education campaign on Undue Influence is so important for America.

That brings me to Section 3 of the 14th Amendment which has been recently going viral online again.
For those who might not be able to see the above graph, it basically says anyone who held public office at any level, served as a judge or served in the military AND engaged in or helped with an insurrection or rebellion against the government is disqualified from ever holding office ever again.
...Donald Trump did just that on 1/6/2021. That is indisputable.
A growing number of Conservative legal experts are loudly saying based on this, Trump is disqualified from running for president. It's the law and has been since the end of the Civil War. It also cannot be challenged by a sitting president, Congress or the Supreme Court. Further, they say it should have been enforced after he left office. Not Liberal/Progressive legal minds but Conservative legal experts, many of whom I'm sure voted for Trump.
That then begs two questions:
- Why isn't it being enforced right now?
- Why isn't the media telling America about this?
All I can really say is we need to demand the media talk about this and educate the public. It is the law, it's very clear and it's not debatable. More importantly, we need to tell our elected officials to enforce Section 3 of the 14th Amendment ASAP as they should have over the last 3 years.
Trump has repeatedly made it known if he gets his way, he will rewrite the constitution. If that vow is not a good enough reason to enforce Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, I don't know what is.

One thing all the GOP Candidates reminded Dems in particular is they not only weren't interested in discussing real policies but they were more interested in debating memes, promoting Far Right talking points they likely pulled from Xitter or (Un)Truth Social and parroting Christian Nationalist ideologies. They also reminded Republican voters who don't like what their party has become that ALL of them are disconnected from reality.
Did anyone "win" from the debate? The Dems will say Biden won the debate by default--despite not being there in person--while Trump's base will say he won simply by not being there. I can say this for sure: America LOST. Again.
I get those on both sides saying "now is not the time to talk about third parties" but enough is enough. The American people WANT different. The American people NEED different. The American people DESERVE different. I mean an end to the Political Duopoly that had ruled America for over 100 years now. Enough is enough.
I know the Dems in particular are wary of the emerging Forward Party but it's probably safe to say at this point the Forward Party is not going to put a candidate in the 2024 Presidential Election. Their current focus is on local and state politics though they are watching the presidental election. They want to break the Political Duopoly but unofficially, they are backing Biden for the 2024 Presidental Election.
These are some pretty uncertain and dangerous times in American politics. I mean even more than 2020 was. It's also very interesting timing with the Hollywood strikes likely pushing new TV and movie content into mid 2024 the earliest. It's quite a time for people to unplug from entertainment media and actually go outside for a change.
I'm going to use a word the Black Progressives have allowed the GOP to quickly hijack and weaponize but people need to get Woke. People need to get Woke to what is going in our politics right now. First and foremost, we need to take our word back. That's the reason I used it just now as intended.
They want to scare us into silence. I will not be silenced. Even if WordPress takes my blogs away, I have hard copies of everything. Not saying that's been threatened or anything but I like to be prepared.
Bitter Realities--I mean the blog I announced--will be coming before the end of the year on that note. More info to come. Before that, I'm planning to do an end of the summer Mail Bag. Should be fun =)
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