[New post] Santorini Travel, Likes versus Experience, Beauty versus Heart
Island Traveler posted: " No dispute, it's one of the most beautiful Instagram picture perfect places. But Santorini has another picture many exclude in their social media posts, the circus-like, out of control mass Tourism hysteria. Something that was happening and harming many " This Man's Journey
No dispute, it's one of the most beautiful Instagram picture perfect places. But Santorini has another picture many exclude in their social media posts, the circus-like, out of control mass Tourism hysteria. Something that was happening and harming many major Tourist Destinations around the World, until a virus placed Tourism on a 2-year time out.
There is always a story behind every picture, and it's not always as stunning or perfect as the picture's exterior. It doesn't have to be deleted or hidden.
Being true doesn't have to be embarrassing or scary. Worrying of other people's opinion and judgement shouldn't be important. Social Media should make us feel good and inspired, not the opposite.
There was no time to enjoy the beauty and the waters below. We had to hurriedly transfer from one port to the next so we don't miss the bus that will take us on top of the mountain.
Likes versus Experience. Beauty versus Heart.
I wanted to experience what's it like to swim in Santorini but sadly, opportunity decided to skip me that day.
4 hours to experience Santorini is not a relaxing getaway, but a stressful race to cram it all.
It looked like a great adventure to a fantasy land where nothing could go wrong and everything feels nice.
3 hours wasted getting to and getting back. More experience lining up than experiencing what's special. More teasing than indulgence. More brisk walking than stopping to just relax and enjoy.
There were more Selfies happening with the view as mere background rather than the view as the main Star of one's attention. More instant gratification than new cultural exploration and immersion.
It was repetitive rush, rush, rush, then wait, wait, wait that I lost my cool and enthusiasm halfway the supposedly dream bucket list. I was expecting a combo of Zen and fun, but experienced discomfort and irritability instead.
Better souvenirs, things or memories?
I turned into a Hulk and sabotage my own vacay. If only snapping out of it was as instantaneous as my mood change. I had to walk it off to simmer down the steam.
I am not Mr. Nice Guy. I have my moments that turns me into what I hate or dislike the most. Anger is a curse that comes out when I let my guard down and give in without a fight.
My experience was far from the pristine bluest of blue Mediterranean Sea. It was more of rough, temperamental Seas on a very hot Summer day.
The eyes are drawn to what's beautiful but without the heart, its memory fades away quickly.
I wasn't amazed nor amused even if millions have posted "hashtag amazing." Can't lie on what I really felt.
I hardly saw anyone enjoying their scenic balconies and emerald pools. A contrast to the streets outside the pretty homes.
But yes, Santorini was very photogenic in every angle that all cameras loves it. My phone camera was so love struck that it was only seeing beauty and perfection. It didn't see the flaws and the craziness.It didn't feel unpleasantness. The love spell became its blessing.
A great travel is earned, not assumed or expected.
So today, let me share what Romeo saw in Juliet. Let me describe what he felt in such a very short gift of magic and enchantment. Let me relive the fireworks and euphoria in the short hours he was given. Let me celebrate inside and out his Summer like no other.
They represent Hope for all the Romeos and the Juliets that it's possible to love freely whoever they want and be happy for as long as they want while still breathing. Hope that they don't have to choose between Love over Family, Happiness over Tragedy, Living over Eternity.
I am envious of what my camera phone has seen and experienced. I wish I was able to see what it saw, feel what it felt, experience what it experienced.
No matter how bad a day has been, there are still good moments in them. No matter maddening, beauty and amazement do exist, did exist.
Months after our trip, I saw a picture on a magazine cover that looks exactly as the place I took time to discover up close when I was separated from my travel group. I remember walking alone, but not lonely. I remember being lost, but found calm, gladness and solitude.
Looking back, I did get to have moments where I followed my own adventures and was not rushed nor pressured to enjoy them. I did have moments where I can honestly say, "I was there to experience the beautiful and the amazing pieces of Santorini." That hashtags amazing are true.
Traveling teaches us lessons not found in travel books. Traveling in itself is a challenge on how we cope with stressful situations that requires patience, flexibility and giving. Definitely I learned mine. Again, I am not Mr. Nice Guy. Impatience is my Kryptonite. Anger is my Demon. But I'll try being better next time.
I may not have another chance to walk the streets of Santorini and watch its incredible beauty and Sunrises, but perhaps imagining the phone camera is me will do the trick whether real or imagined. More heart, less aesthetic superficiality.
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