[New post] “Memphis activist describes efforts to build relationship between police, community to decrease crime”
Iowa Life posted: " Detrick Saulter FOX News site had a well meaning article featuring a well meaning activist on a well meaning topic, that was full of crap. "Relationship building" isn't going to solve what ails Memphis. It's black people. Not all, but a damn good perc" Politics and Religion
FOX News site had a well meaning article featuring a well meaning activist on a well meaning topic, that was full of crap. "Relationship building" isn't going to solve what ails Memphis. It's black people. Not all, but a damn good percentage. My original comment after the article came across as a little harsh, but I seed now where I was going with it.
"Come on man, everybody knows what the problem is in Memphis or any big city. Black culture is diseased and deadly because the black family is not intact. There's no spiritual or moral basis for their existence."
What's the incentive for a young black kid to study hard, get good grades so he can graduate and get a job? He's going to be on welfare. What's the incentive to be frugal and responsible with your money, maintain a good credit to get a home loan? He's going to be in Section 8 housing. What's the incentive to get a good job that has a great health plan? He's going to be on Medicaid.
No of course not all blacks, but if any responsible person is going to sit there and tell me there's not a problem with the black family they are goddamn liars. It traces back to 1965 and the welfare state replacing the father in the black home. And people like in this article in the year 2022 are going to dance around and address everything but the real problem just blows me away.
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