Linda Hill has been kind enough to get our blogging blood cells flowing this year, and I am taking advantage of her JusJoJan prompts as often as I can. Today's prompt comes courtesy of one of my favorite bloggers, J-Dub over at Jilywily. Her prompt is unbelievable – no, that's not an exclamatory adjective, that's the actual prompt.

Let me think, what's unbelievable?

As I write this, I'm watching the fourth NFL (US football) playoff game this weekend. The other three are history. All three were won by three points! All three were won by the underdog visiting team, and all three were won by a field goal, kicked as time ran out in regulation play. This post will be scheduled before the game between the Buffalo Bills and the Kansas City Chiefs will be over, but it's already been unbelievable.

Also unbelievable – the fact that it was 17°f (-8°c) Sunday morning and it felt warm. That's what a few days of single digit (f) mornings will do to you.