If you don't have a vision, chances are likely that you will always return to your past, whatever that life may be. However, you can let go of your past and forge ahead with a great future. All you need is vision .

What do you see yourself acquiring in the next 1 to 3 years?

If you get some clarity and a vision there is nothing that can stop you.

It doesn't matter what your past is like. It doesn't matter how talented you are, all that matters is that you are determined. Most of the time people have a hard time figuring out how to get clear. Clarity really is the key to success. So if you are not clear in your life, now is the time to sit down and have a chat with God and ask for clarity.

I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do.

John 17:4

God has a definite plan and purpose for your life. There is an assignment for every single one of us.

Look up how to make a vision board. Putting your goals in front of you on a day-to-day basis will help you move closer to what it is you want . Say some affirmations that are positive on a daily basis. Make sure these affirmations are in alignment with what it is you want. You can do this!

Act of kindness- ask someone around you what you can do to help them

Make that money honey- Bookkeeper❤ To be a bookkeeper all you need is some training to sharpen your skills. Being a bookkeeper means recording financial transactions of businesses and keeping track of the cash flow. Good calculation skills is a great skill to master if you're going to choose this field.

Be happy now- Make a list of the people in your life to make you feel happy when you are around them. Make an appoint to spend more time with them this year.

Feel free to follow me all across the web for more inspiration and for some self-care products you can find all of that here.. https://linktr.ee/inspiredbyjamilla