20 years ago, the United States made of of the worst economic mistakes it could make. December 27, 2001, President George W. Bush gave Permanent Most Favored Nation Status to China. George W. Bush had already expressed he wanted to do this while running for president in 1999. In the Republican Primaries, Governor Bush was called out by another Republican Candidate named Gary Bauer on China. Gary Bauer was one of the only candidates running in 2000 that wanted to put an end to trade with Communist China. George W Bush insisted that engaging with China and trade with them, would open up China to liberalizing. That is not what happened.

After that decision in 2001, China joined the World Trade Organization and joined the world economy. In the 2000s, many American manufacturer jobs were outsourced to China at an alarming rate. Lots of American Technology was transferred to China, including by force. The United States ended up becoming very dependent on Chinese made products. It is very hard to find anything made in America anymore. All our stores have nearly everything made in China. The United States and other nations helped China become very wealthy and now China rivals the United States. China did not become a free country.

The United States still continued wanting to trade with China even after the Tinnamen Square Massacre of 1989. President George Bush Sr renewed most favored nation status with Communist China in 1990, 1991, and 1992. The Bill Clinton Administration continued this until George W. Bush made in permanent in 2001. How hypocritical for the United States to continue the Cuban Embargo yet become China's biggest trading partner. Both the Democrat Party and Republican Party did this.

What a mess! And most American Companies have no interest at this point of bringing jobs and production back to America. The US is too coupled with China at this point.

The Bushes deceived the American People and in particular Christians. Many professing Christians in my family and at my church (during 2001-2008) were huge supporters of the George W. Bush Administration yet closed their eyes to the truth. Does not the Bible teach us not to put our trust in men? After 2016, some people I know who used to be the Bush family's loudest supporters now are ashamed of themselves. They see the consequences.

In the year 2008, during America's Recession, the US Government gave $100 Million in foreign aid to the Chinese Government. That is crazy!

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