If we damage gut wealth this now actually paves way to why gut itself malfunctions..

What humanity struggles to understand is if the gut itself struggles the mind itself struggles..

Because if we destroy functional wealth we destroy how mind can interact with human body..

So if we damage functional wealth this damage isn't as obvious as it seems..

Because subconscious mind communicates back and forth with human body..

Which is likely one unit the balance each another but mind and body can only naturally balance and relate to one another..

As well as gut naturally supports the subconscious mind which in turn allows conscious mind to be functionally equal with how we own mindset..

If we unnaturally destroy natural function within the gut itself we then simply allow guts unnatural activity to derail subconscious mind itself..

When we allow unnatural activity within gut itself to intoxicate subconscious mind we disengage conscious mind subconsciously unknowingly..

Conscious mind like human body naturally relies on subconscious mind to communicate..

This why if we allow gut to intoxicate subconscious mind we actually now struggle to channel one-self with our conscious self..

Because when we allow conscious mind to actually struggle this is because conscious mind owns it's own obstruction..

Which takes place within the subconscious mind itself which in turn doesn't allow conscious mind and subconscious mind to naturally communicate as the should..

This is why gut unnatural activity now created functional wealth decline..

Because increased toxicity gut to subconscious mind intoxicates subconscious mind..

If we allow gut to derail our subconscious mind we actually also now derail how conscious mind interacts with our subconscious mind..

In which also systematically derails how human body interacts with subconscious mind..

Which further derails how we channel ourselves consciously through subconscious mind through to human body..

In which is why we manage as to why we own our bodies own dysfunction on actually different levels to one another..

Because how we own subconscious mind is how we own the natural go between to how we can now naturally commit ourselves to our human body..

This is why if we actually learn how we naturally reduce guts unnatural activity we also reinstate how we communicate with natural function through body..

Which in turn can actually allow one-self to naturally own our own mindset as we should..

Because a conscious mind which cannot stay tuned to subconscious mind created mind which cannot communicated as it should through the human body..

Whatever derails subconscious mind derails human body now owned it's own subconscious mind..

In which is why humanity naturally relies on wealth of the subconscious mind..

Gut is responsible for derailing how we now own our own subconscious mind as well as how we own our own conscious mind..

In which became how we own our own mindset..

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