Malleable light I shine into depths
of great wounding. Late August intercepts
now opens portals outside time. No rhyme.
I'm humming vibrant bolts buzz cicadas

circle-chime in trees 'round us. Calling new
intuition astounds us, higher view:
what does Love say to the ingrate stranger
gagging in indigestible danger?

Self-knowledge enforces abstemious
care while reflections ensure sentience.
As simple as changing my decor, not
easy, I greet these prodigals who bought

strategic survival stories. Kindness
to the fragments of me consigned to blindness
emerging incoherent, frightened. Dark
reveals protective tales that patriarchs

invoke to quell the spirit. Come, my dear,
standing in my integrity, I'm clear
there is no call to mitigate. Insight
inspects ostracized living parts, accepts.

Inspired by: Ingrate, Decor, Mitigate and Abstemious.

Featured image: Oh, how I will miss this lovely lake and all my feathered spirit messengers who appear as I write surprising lines.

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