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Everyone comes to a point in life when it seems like everything comes to a stop. A life event has occurred, and now the natural stream in life has been interrupted. Such events might be the sudden passing of loved ones, a health issue, financial changes, loss of business, or loss of a home.

With every passing day, none of us are guaranteed smooth sailing in life. It is meant to be that way, as hard as it is to accept sometimes. We are meant to be shaken, to be interrupted, and sometimes even hurt. The difficult things in life are inevitable, and they cause us to make a new game plan for the way we live our lives.

Although life can bring its hazards, difficult situations, or tragedies, some things are standard and always remain unchanging. These are the powerful supporters created for us to lean on and rely upon when times become challenging. Can you wrap your head around an angelic presence when lives have been swiftly taken from us? Can you accept a universal law that gives to us back for everything we have lost? How about a presence of God that is so powerful that lives inside of all of us, giving us the energy and tenacity to get through one more day?

Some scoff at such things, and yet others come to lean upon the mystical when things are tragic in this life. Sometimes a little mystery searching is worth the search. In times of great difficulty, I have found the comfort of loved ones in spirit to be a powerful part of healing and transition. I talk to my angels, my loved ones in spirit, and to God when things are hard in life. These all bring me comfort, and I see evidence of their presence and power every single time.

Meditation is an excellent way to bring forth some illumination into the existence of some of these supportive elements. They are there to help us, and they are living just as much as we are. God brings life, brings love, and brings revelation into a problematic issue in life. Angels are there to help us, as are crossed over loved ones who are in spirit. As a mother who has now had to let go of two of her children, I can not live without the knowledge of these helpers in my life. The healing that comes from my connection to these resources is life-changing and sometimes life-saving.

I can not believe we have life after death because I don't believe there is a death. I only believe there is a continuing life of the soul after leaving our bodies. I believe in life after life. This belief gets me through my days, or I could not bear how hard my appeared losses have been. We never lose anyone. We can never lose love. Love is as enteral as the human soul. When life throws a curveball or wrench into the works, it is a comfort that I have the support I need to lean on when I need to. I have to believe the "powers that be" are with me through my entire earthly life, or I could not live it.

Our spiritual support system does not mean we escape trial or that things will be easy. It only means that we have an avenue of support when no one else understands how we feel or how to deal with our issues in life. With all of the losses that I have endured in life, I know I would not be here without the love that is extended to me in mystical ways along with human presence.

Loving you from here,

Dr. Rev. Jenine Marie Howry, Ph.D.