These days gardening has become the hobby of many people as it brings you closer to the nature. Moreover lots of tips and tricks are available online to start the indoor garden or the terrace garden.

Even I have beautiful flowers and different kind of plants in my house. You can take a glimpse of those in these pictures.

It is always a great feeling to see all these plants in my house . Then I came to know about the extinction of rare plants species.

We are well aware about the extinction of animals as we talk a lot about endangered species of animals in social media and newspapers too. I have heard about the extinction of animal species. But the extinction of the endangered or rare species of succulents was new to me.

Causes and Reasons for disappearing of Succulents and other rare species

Extinction Of Rare plants,  succulents in demand , save environment
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According to the article published in Ecowatch , Plant poaching is not new, nor is it unique to the area; but, pandemic-inspired houseplant purchases have exacerbated the issue worldwide.

People don't have work... People are desperate for money and food, willing to make quick money," van Wyk explained. Due to increased interest in rare plants, "now syndicates pay several months' worth of salary to locals for plants which, in the end, are being sold in Asia and Europe, as well as America, for values that could sustain a family for years in Namaqualand. "

Read full article

During this pandemic to make the garden more beautiful, there has been sudden rise in the demand of rare plants and succulents. To fulfil this demand, the native people are forced to grow these plants and then the illegal trading is being done. You must have seen lots of succulents and rare plants in nearby nurseries attracting all the customers.

Believe it or not, about 1/3 species of cacti are at the verge of extinction as mentioned in Sciencedaily.

"Hotspots for threatened cactus species include arid areas of Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Uruguay. These areas are perceived as uncharismatic and unimportant, even though they are rich in biodiversity, hence arid-land species like cacti are often overlooked in conservation planning. "

More details here

To make the garden unique and aesthetic, we always look for the plants which are different. Specially, indoor and succulents which can be easily maintained. At the same time we forget that the we are causing hazard to our environment. This can create imbalance in the nature .

Hence we must choose our plants wisely.

We have to make our nature more beautiful add pollution free,then we must not create unbalance in nature for our selfless greed.

Choose what is easily available around you. Take all steps that can flourish and protect the flora and fauna on Earth.

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