Your only job is to hold up a mirror up to them to who they are meant to be. I don't have to bend them out of shape. I just have to help them grow into their shape.

Betsy Jenkinson, Homeschooling with the Classics

Betsy Jenkins  Homeschool Mama Self-Care podcast

Betsy Jenkins is the mother of five awesome boys, aged 6-20. She is an artist and co-owner of a decorative design company, though you may know her best for her classical art memes on Instagram.

Betsy is married to a renaissance man who can build and fix just about anything. Together, they are just crazy enough to think that raising and educating a million boys at home is a really sweet deal.

When I focus on my core why heart connection in my homeschool, it automatically brings my stress down, because I know what my job is.

Betsy Jenkins, Homeschooling with the Classics

Betsy's Advice for Homeschool Mamas

  • You have to step aside with your ideas, what you believe to be the trajectory of your family, your goals, and focus on the children in front of you and what they need.
  • Rember what Charlotte Mason says, "Your children are born persons".
  • It is not your job to make the garden grow. We're garden keepers, we're here to tend and feed that garden.
  • Continue in your own education, in your own thirst for your own knowledge and skills and do the things you love.
  • Get help, from a counsellor, pastor, or friend if you feel at the end of yourself.

You can find Betsy online at:

Enjoy the book of homeschool encouragement for you, homeschool mama: Homeschool Mama Self-Care: Nurturing the Nurturer

Homeschool Mama Self-Care: nurturing the nurturer

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