Well, I don't feel better when I'm fucking around
And I don't write better when I'm stuck in the ground
So don't teach me a lesson 'cause I've already learned
Yeah, the sun will be shining and my children will burn
Oh, the heart beats in its cage
I don't want what you want, I don't feel what you feel
See, I'm stuck in a city but I belong in a field
Yeah, we got left, left, left, left, left, left, left
Now it's three in the morning and you're eating alone

Oh, the heart beats in its cage

All our friends, they're laughing at us
All of those you loved, you mistrust
Help me, I'm just not quite myself
Look around, there's no one else left

The heart beats in its cage

hair: DOUX - Nashaly hairstyle @ Dubai
head: LeLUTKA Avalon
head skin: [Glam Affair] Cherry [Lelutka EvoX] @ UBER
body: [LEGACY] Meshbody Perky
body skin: VELOUR: The "Ipanema Body" for Legacy (Chantilly)

-SU!- Poison Sunglasses
[ rD ] Metarose Necklace @ TLC
Violent Seduction - The Moth for FLF Aug 27, 2021
[BREATHE]-Satsuko Heels @ Kinky

[AYO] feat [Rezz Room] Caged Heart @ Uber

Diversion - Distant Light - Poses
(altered hand positions slightly)

(Milk Motion) The dark forest road

-Garden- by anc "end of universe" rose
{anc} breath of rose

NOMAD // Black Rose Petals

BALACLAVA!! Ghost Servants

DRD - Funeral Carriage - Hearse