There is a major problem when the government bureaucracies use the law to discern and intervene with individual's freedoms and abilities to help one another.  The medical community is arguably one of the most complicated systems aside from familial relationships because they both deal with the individual and the society at large.  Healthcare workers work and in hand with the criminal justice system, often times because of the interplay between mental health and personal injury. 

In a system, many moving pieces work together to form the entire system.  Society itself is a conglomeration of many dynamic moving pieces and parts.  It is our job as the individual cogs in the wheel of the modern social construct that goes round and round from generation to generation to be our best as often as possible and also create jobs that run with a higher efficiency, safety, and purpose.  It seems that we are moving away from this model as our jobs become more mundane, useless, separated from the community, wasteful, destructive, inefficient and emotionally draining all the while taking up more and more of our personal time.  Time is our only relative number we can all understand.

Precedents and protocols are functions supposedly designed with reason, evidence, and logic.  Typically they follow the flow of the scientific method. As time goes on, we see these two functions obstructed by human error, ego, and corruption for the sake of political purposes as well as personal or group gain.  Money is often a common theme to dissuade a right action from a wrongful action whether the money goes directly into the pockets of an individual or to a budget to keep said service's up and running.  When we take money out of the equation, you typically get a more honest approach.  However considering our entire economy is based around the concept of money that idea is merely a dream to differentiate any choice without a cost benefit analysis relating to money in some shape or form.

When we talk about punitive reactions to criminal activity, we first must assure an activity is indeed deserving to be illegal.  Freedom to medically treat oneself with well researched substances or methods is something the police should never interfere with.  It is criminal to punish someone for pursuing their own state of happiness. The line gets a little blurry when one's pursuit interferes with others.  If we built institutions to help people enjoy their freedoms and pursuits of happiness, that would be a very different story but instead we kick people in cages.  Insanity is a different case but the reality is that society creates this insanity. There is an overwhelming overlap of Psych patients to the children and also adults being medications.  Abuse, malnutrition (poor diet as well as starvation) and neglect also play a major role in developmental delays that can cause incapable adults. The biggest problem with homelessness is the psychological disorders that are running rampant through the population many of times in direct causation of such substance use. As we continue this topic of insanity, we trickle into the argument of the second amendment. Crazy people really shouldn't have guns but how exactly do diagnose crazy aside and who should be labeled as unable to protect themselves. Perhaps a solution is to make institutions that are actually quality places to live that help people grow and develop rather than the current state of institutions both criminal and mental that focuses on drugging people up and locking them in cages. This teetering scale is a difficult place to balance between because when the legal system says your dangerous based on dysfunctional laws, we have a problem. Or perhaps someone is 1013/1023 (medically held in confinement in fear of endangerment to others), and they heal or never deserved to go there, we have a problem. When someone is medicated and not crazy, but is labeled as as such due to their medication, we have a problem. My big solution to this disaster is natural health and cognitive behavioral therapy. We really don't need all of the dependence on substances if we are happy with ourselves. If our society promoted moderation and gave a place to enjoy substances in moderation, we could perhaps solve these broken points in our pursuit of happiness and right to protect oneself.

Enjoying unhealthy products and living unhealthy lives is a form of Stockholm Syndrome caused by subliminal marketing of unnatural and social norms for the continuous profit in the form of planned obsolescence pertaining to the natural state of health and wellness. Our society thrives on pushing unhealthy ways of living because there is more profit to be made. When someone becomes self sufficient with knowledge and a nutrient dense lifestyle, they no longer need to pay for other services and this disincentives the capital system. As government puts regulation over individuals communicating personal knowledge and experience to help other people out, I have a huge problem. The scare is that someone says something that could cause more damage than help but consider this, how many medication commercials where death is a byproduct on the intervention being marketed? This risk analysis thereby encourages people to take the risk analysis into their own hands. As Artificial Intelligent systems progress, we begin to realize the individual encompasses far more power than the capacity of a medical doctors capabilities. People in the medical field scoff at the idea of people self diagnosing, but the main difference of what a doctor can do and what an individual can do is the access to medical equipment which is getting so cheap, it has pretty much reached the hobbyist market. Much of this drive for health to become a hobbyist enthused system is the supplement market as well as the failure of the medical system doing anything besides throwing drugs at the problem covering up the problems.

Culture has historically designed spices/herbs, lifestyles, and ideals that naturally remedy the problems of man, but as we have become more progressive, we have lost touch with the ways of evolutionary sense of self. A large issue with the conservative mindset is the individualistic approach to neglecting those that are less fortunate or less capable. There may be a time where too many people are incapable of dealing with the real world and working due to mental impairments and/or resources misallocation. Although we are seeming to be in the best place for the human experience, we are still treading water and barely staying afloat as a western society and modern world. Socialism vs Individualism becomes the prevailing argument that is still not finalized.

When people are overworked, unhealthy, and depressed, we lose our ability to perform at the highest level. In the most important jobs, we ought to be paid well enough to not be running on fumes and also have enough support/resources to keep us able to perform at the highest level. Unfortunately, we give the most resources to the contractors that deal in the marketplace while starving the actual employees of a quality of life that can encourage our neuroreceptors to be doing our best with longevity in mind. The institutions that exist such as Prisons and Mental Health facilities could work if we implemented intelligent design that isn't built with a planned obsolescence mindset and corrupted policy enforcement. If our society made true investments into the future and the people, we could heal our broken world but instead we pass laws and budgets with a short term mindset that helps the few and hurts the many. The system is mental, physical and ideological. We must feed all parts of the human spirit to see the rat race turn into heaven on Earth. I believe in a better tomorrow while remaining grateful for the life we have today. We have been on this road for a long time and it will be a long journey to get to a better place, but at least we know the direction. Let's keep growing.

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