Today's Bible Reading- Proverbs Chapters 21-22 & 2 Corinthians Chapter 4.

Good morning, my friends. I hope you're well. It's a bit cloudy this morning, but that's expected to clear up. Our high today will back in the summertime temperatures at 88*, with an absolutely zero chance of rain.

My Sunday was quite relaxing. I watched church in the morning and then spent the afternoon and evening indulging in old movies from the 30s and 40s.

Progress on the sock is going well. I have about 5 inches of the foot portion done and 7 inches is required before I start the toe portion.

Also, as per my title, I tried a new concoction for dinner and it actually worked! I found a meatloaf seasoning mix over on Pinterest and it was supposed to be a better version of McCormick's meatloaf seasoning packet. I decided to try that instead of buying the packet. This wasn't because I was looking for healthier. It was purely for giggles. I know, I know. Meatloaf is something that's not new, but I had to exercise my "little gray cells" as Poirot has said numerous times.

So what did I do? Well, after mixing the new seasoning recipe, I used half of it because the whole recipe would have worked with two pounds of ground beef. I only had one pound, so let's not over season shall we? Then, I added an egg, two tablespoons of bread crumbs, four tablespoons of milk, and mixed it in that pound of ground beef. Once that was taken care of, I put the mixture in a loaf pan and smoothed it out. The oven was preheating at 375 degrees, so while I was waiting on that, I made the sauce mixture to go on top of the meatloaf. This took some ingenuity because the name brand packet just calls for ketchup, and the recipe for the seasoning mix is only for the seasoning. Nothing else. Well, I still had tomato paste from when I made the shepherd's pie, so I used half of what was left and mixed it with some steak sauce until it was the consistency and flavor I wanted. Didn't taste bad at all! I was pleasantly surprised. I topped the meatloaf with the sauce and spread it evenly, and then popped it into the oven for about an hour.

The rest of dinner was some mashed potatoes and corn. Y'all. That seasoning mix. I will put the link to that recipe here. give it a more recipe format:

Awesome Sauce Meatloaf

1/2 recipe of Meatloaf Seasoning Mix (comes to 2 Tbsp + 1.5 tsp)
1 egg
1 lb. ground beef
4 Tbsp milk
2 Tbsp bread crumbs
Tomato Paste*
Steak sauce

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Mix together all ingredients except the tomato paste and steak sauce. Place into loaf pan and smooth out. In a small bowl, mix together tomato paste and steak sauce until it reaches desired consistency and taste. Spread evenly onto meatloaf and bake in oven for about an hour or until internal temperature reaches 165 degrees.

*I was using a tube of tomato paste, not a can, and I used roughly half of the tube. I'm not sure the measurement of that.

I will say that there is a lot of pepper in there, so if you want to reduce the amount you can. I didn't and it had a bite to it, but it was so delicious. I used a steak sauce bought from a local store, not the usual A.1. that I normally have on hand. This particular steak sauce is sweeter than A.1., so I'm not sure what steak sauce is comparable to that. Maybe Heinz? Not sure. Oh wait. There was a steak sauce I used as a teen. What was it? Oh, man. That's gonna bother me today. It was a lot like Heinz 57 sauce, but it had an international name. I want to say that there was something about Australia in the name. We got it from the food bank, but I went bonkers over it. Absolutely loved the stuff!

I'm sorry, friends. That's a little farther than my memory logs would like to go, but that steak sauce I used for the meatloaf is probably more comparable to Heinz 57 than anything. Anyhoo. That's all for now, folks. Love you all and until next time, stay safe my friends. ❤

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