JHU COVID Data: 1,823 U.S. Deaths from COVID today, 9/15/21. Translation: 1 American dies of COVID every less than 60 seconds from a preventable disease.

America is very much at War with Death and Disease with no Peak in sight, and it's in every community in America.

Rural, Urban, Remote, COVID Death has all reached them. No place to run or hide unless we live in Space.

We don't want to see nor care because it's not our Family, but this could happen to anyone of us. Just a matter of when. Photo from The Washington Post, 9/15/21

Americans are dying because no hospital will take them- Vox News, 9/14/21

The Alarm has been blaring for the past 2 months that children can die. It is happening now. Photo from The Washington Post, 9/15/21

We call 911. No available ambulance. We head to the Emergency Room, there is a long line outside it's doors with wait time of unknown hours. We got an Emergency Room Bed but need to wait 24 to 100 hours for an I.C.U. or Medical-Surgical Bed. Why? Because all the Hospital Beds are already taken by COVID Patients who generally occupies the bed for 1-4 weeks.

There may be physical beds but no medical staff, so the beds becomes useless.

We think we will get an I.C.U. bed because we have a life threatening Hemorrhagic Pancreatitis, Heart Attack, Stroke, Sepsis, Renal Failure and Respiratory Distress from COVID. That thinking is gone when Hospitals are overwhelmed above capacity and understaffed. We could be Intubated hooked to a Ventilator Machine and still wait in the Emergency room for indefinite hours. We could die in Emergency Room and still no I.C.U. Bed available.

All over the World, once a love one goes to the hospital or a facility for COVID patients, it may be their last time to see their families. Bodies are cremated because COVID dead bodies can still spread the disease. Photo from the Washington Post, 9/15/21

When everyone is Emergency, everyone becomes Non-Emergency. Meaning, everyone needs to wait. Emergency Triage is activated. Rationed care implemented. People with small chance of survival will be left alone to die. Neglect and Critical Care Delay becomes Normal and Acceptable in Emergency Disaster Situations. Many will be saved but some will die. We may die. Our Family and Friends may die. No exemption during a Statewide Outbreak.

The Death and Disease Dance never Stops.

In a Crisis situation, Health Care Systems are Free to do what is necessary just like People are Free to do what they want. It's called Freedom, something that is loudly and violently "emphasized," for the last 19 months.

Live our retirement bucket list in the present. Many will not reach 62 years old. I have accepted that reality, so did my wife. We're just lucky so far, but it's really the Vaccine Miracle that kept us from harms way. And yes, God said, "It's not your time yet."

Estimated time from 911 call to body bag for severe, terminal COVID averages 2-4 days with the Delta Variant. This means, we have less that 48 hours to do our last wishes and say our goodbyes.

We try to live a life of less regrets. We try to live a life fuller and happier than yesterday. Now may all we got. The clock is ticking.

I don't want to be the one that ruins someone's dreamy fantasy bubble, but if that saves one life, then this post is worth the time.

I can't imagine a World with nothingness. I don't think it's even worth surviving if I am all alone. Death may actually be more merciful.

It's never a waste when the intention and outcome are good. It's never a waste when it's about real people in real danger.

At a certain point, it was no longer a matter of if the United States would reach the gruesome milestone of 1 in 500 people dying of covid-19, but a matter of when. A year? Maybe 15 months? The answer: 19 months.- The Washington Post, 9/15/21

In 19 months. How about next year?

We are living a nightmare that is preventable but we made our choices. Everyone can land in a body bag because of COVID. The longer the surges, the closer the chances. For now, the Death Roulette is spinning, but it stops every less than 60 seconds to claim another American. Who's next?