A Report, titled Code Red for Humanity, has sent a clear message of danger to mankind. Still, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison does not want to give much importance to the UN's Climate Report. He recently said that Australia had a "strong track record of performance" in reducing carbon emissions. Despite having the "strong track record", the largest country in Oceania and the world's sixth-largest nation has experienced wildfires, floods, landslides and severe droughts in recent years. It is one of the top countries as far as carbon emissions are concerned! However, Prime Minister Morrison made it clear that his Government would not take any action on the basis of this Report, which has caused a stir around the world. "I won't be signing a blank cheque on behalf of Australians to targets without plans. I will not be asking people in the regions of this country to carry the burden for the country alone," he stressed.

Scott Morrison

In the second week of August 2021, the Authoritative Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published the Code Red for Humanity Report as a part of its publication Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. In this Report, the UN body has discussed Climate Change and its devastating effects on the Earth's inhabitants. In fact, the IPCC Report warned the planet would be 1.5 degrees Celsius hotter by 2030, if no action was taken and was labelled a Code Red For Humanity by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. As expected, most of the UN member-countries have started taking cautious actions after the publication of the Report. The US has hinted that it would take tough legal action to avert this impending crisis. President Joe Biden has reportedly requested friend Australia to do the same… however, the Administration of one of the major fossil fuel-producing nations has rejected the US President's request!

The Morrison Government is reluctant to keep its promise to reduce carbon emissions to zero by 2050. Commenting on the UN Report, Senator Matthew James Canavan said: "That doesn't sound like science to me and it's a great shame, it's very sad the IPCC who once did very, very good work, and I do agree with their overall findings on Climate Change, but now it has descended into something that's much more like spin than science." He stressed: "There's a guy called Dr Roger Pilkie Junior, he's done some really interesting analysis about how in the IPCC Report they spent half the time, half of their references to different scenarios to what is the most extreme scenario, the so-called RCP. And that is at least, the IPCC does recognise in their Report that scenario, this time they recognise it is extremely unlikely."

Australian Senator Canavan

Although the Morrison Administration has claimed to speak on behalf of the citizens, the common Australians do not agree with the statement issued by their Government. Multiple graffiti have recently been painted on the walls of Parliament House and the Prime Minister's residence, accusing the Morrison Administration of failing to protect the country from the ill effects of Climate Change.

A mural showing Australian PM Morrison holding a lump of coal as it advertises a rally by students around the world to protest against Climate Change

It may be noted that the IPCC Report has clearly mentioned that Australia would experience more wildfires in the coming days. The number of droughts and cyclones, too, will increase there. The US, China and the European Union (EU) are determined to reduce their carbon emissions to zero in the next few years. However, Australia, despite its small population, is not ready to take such a step. Experts are of the opinion that a main reason for this is that the Australian Economy is heavily dependent on coal and iron export, and the biggest three customers for the fuel are China, Japan and South Korea. Interestingly, China, Japan and South Korea have set zero-emission targets by 2060, 2050 and 2050, respectively.

Meanwhile, Singapore has stunned the Global Community by making the muddy sewer water drinkable in an attempt to prevent water pollution! As the island city-state in Southeast Asia lacks proper supply of drinking water, it has to depend on neighbouring countries. To get rid of this situation, the Government of Singapore has developed a special technology to purify the polluted water. The concerned authorities believe that about 40% of the country's population will be able to easily access purified water.

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