Inspired by David Kanigan, I thought I would write a "Walking" post.  Because Lord knows I've walked in the past eight days! Of course, mine won't be as sophisticated as his. I don't have some cool reference to the latest book I'm reading, inspiring me. No, no. Mine is the Good Gawd Version.

It all started with a decision to go hang out with my fella... Justin opened up the border to the Yanks and I just had to wait until Joe did the same. But he didn't.  Damn him!  So, arrangements were made to fly - destination Philadelphia followed by a short drive to Delaware, just for the hell of it.

I did the necessaries, i.e. get a proper Covid test (the US, while not open to us Canucks, are less demanding of test was needed).  Found me a drive-through and was planning on getting tested on the Saturday, August 21, on my way up to Yvon's funeral.  It only takes 15 minutes to get the results.  However, I decided to follow my sister Tracy's suggestion that I not wait till the last minute. So I went on Thursday after work, enduring traffic to and fro. But all good. Negatory so I was set.

Why, pray tell, do we have to present ourselves at the airport three hours prior to boarding when there is no one officially working until 5:30? My flight was at 7:30... There was one woman who was asked to come in early so she dealt with as many as she could, including me, before the rest arrived... And then? Great, she checked us in but the security isn't open until 6:30? What in the eff?

There is a screen between the cow chute and the agents...

Sunday morning, I was on my flight to, get this, ATLANTA, as a layover to Philadelphia. Nuts, I tells ya. Nuts. I have gone to Florida, to the Dominican Republic and my layover was IN Philadelphia. Now that it was my destination? No, no. we can't have us no direct flight. Let's send you for a ride!

Blue skies over fluffy white clouds - gonna be a great week!


I won't complain too hardily as Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport is a beautiful place.  I mean, if you are to have a four-hour layover, this is a grand place to have it. I'd get my 10K steps easy-peasy!  I arrived in Concourse A and walked around there, not quite knowing how to get to the other concourses.  So I took the train to T and walked all the way back to E.  Wow.


Concourse T to A contains a series of Zimbabwean sculptures, each one so beautiful.  I took 'em all but won't torment you here!

Concourse A to B has a rain forest theme, including the sounds of tree frogs and other beasties.  So cool.

Between Concourses B and C, you find a serious history lesson.  Along the walls the images take you from 11,000 BC to today.

There was nothing special after that that. Was more straightforward.

My flight was on time and it was off to Delaware for a week of reconnection, rest and relaxation.

Fast-forward to Wednesday.  I had a Covid Test to take. This time the PCR one.  Thanks to my co-worker, I knew that Vybe Urgent Care took appointments and gave results in two hours.  Woot!  Booked and off we went, took the test and walked around South Philly for a few hours.  All good. I was negative.

Friday afternoon, I receive an email from Air Canada telling me my flight was cancelled. For weather. What?  What weather?  There was nothing in Philadelphia. Nothing in Toronto (my connecting airport) and nothing in Montreal. What in the blessed eff?  Sonova....  They give me my new flight for SUNDAY at 8:30, with a connection in Dulles, Washington. An eight-and-a-half hour layover. Oh. Em. Gee... No matter how much I searched, unless I was Croesus, which I am not, there was no way I could change this. Double Damn.

Saturday morning I wake up with a start. Aaaarrrggghhh!  My Covid test is now no longer valid! I call Vybe and am told that sorry, we cannot.  I call elsewhere and hit a wall.  I call back the first Vybe - which is the closest in Ridley and basically beg. Successfully.  We have to leave immediately, so off we go.

As expected, it took less than five minutes.  So I treated us to breakfast in a diner (meh) and we then walked around until the paperwork was ready.  Yay. Negative again (like... of COURSE).

It was great to have an extra day of vacation but the running around necessary?  Not so much. Plus, now I had to leave at 8:30 instead of 10:15 so another early start!

So. Here I am. In Dulles.  It ain't no Atlanta, is all I'm saying. But now I have to distract myself for eight-and-a-half hours. After a lickety-split flight from PHL to ATL (arrived early, of course).  I thought I'd be seeing this spaceship (please, take me away!) over and over again but no. I found other places to get my steps!  Not too exciting.


I walk from one end to the other and back.  I see there is a Bar Symon and I think, that will be a great supper.  It's in Gate B and I still don't know where I am leaving from.  By 10:30 my 4 o'clock bagel is no longer sustaining me so I decide to have a Five Guys burger - a small one.  Thank goodness!

Walk some more and wish and wish I could find some place to lie down. All the damn benches have armrests!  What is it with this well-maintained airport already?  I could like on a wooden bench like some rubby (homeless Canadian drunk) - right the middle of the hallway.... or maybe this cushy one, also set up in full view.  I keep walking and find this overpass between Gates A1-A5 and A6-A-whatever)... Dang. That would have worked


Too late.  I sit down in my empty gate A5 and start to write this post. I realise, as I am looking for deets, that I cannot find my blue travel wallet.  What the?  Wait.  Oh man.  I think, when I took my laptop out of my bag, it fell out.  Never saw it.  It contained all my paper proof of vaccination, tests, etc.  Thank God I had it all digitally but I knew it would make my life easier to have the paperwork.  Could this day get any worse?

Why yes. Yes, it could!  By 4:30 they call us to verify our papers and tell us... hey... let's delay your flight by an hour! Sallamabeetz...

Papers verified, I look around. I am NOT taking the chance to walk over to Michael Symon's joint and find a nearby pub called Firkin and Fox.  Imma have me a Yuengling!  And a "turkey" (pressed meat) avocado club sandwich.  Was edible and quenched my thirst. All for the measly sum of $30.  Gotta love airports, eh?

Oh... that a boarding call?  Not quite yet as, well, there is something they need to look at.