Black and Red Typewriter

people say
that stories matter
but no one ever tells us
what that saying actually means
stories might matter
to those who have lived them
at least some of the time
stories might matter
to the storyteller
or to people who love the storyteller
but not always
stories might matter
to historians
unless certain people
are written out of history
then their stories
simply don't exist
some stories matter
but only now and then
or when it's convenient
all stories change with time
and after awhile
most stories
simply become footnotes
until they disappear
just like the people
who told them

it seems to me
that as a species
we want everything we do
to be important
to matter
to last
is that ego
fear of being forgotten
wanting to be important
or do people do it just to leave
something behind

the reality is that
everyone of us
is a storyteller
LIFE itself
is nothing BUT
a continuous story we make up
out of our personal stories
and the story of LIFE
will keep going
until the last human
takes his or her
final breath

just remember
that the stories
that make up our entire history
are lies
and other species
don't really care about stories
because other species
live in the
which is something we all do
usually without even realizing it
because we get tangled up
in the stories that are all around us




Photo:  Suzy Hazelwood


story 1 |ˈstôrē|

noun (pl. stories)

1 an account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment: an adventure story | I'm going to tell you a story.

• a plot or story line: the novel has a good story.

• a report of an item of news in a newspaper, magazine, or news broadcast: stories in the local papers.

• a piece of gossip; a rumor: there have been lots of stories going around, as you can imagine.

informal a false statement or explanation; a lie: Ellie never told stories—she had always believed in the truth.

2 an account of past events in someone's life or in the evolution of something: the story of modern farming | the film is based on a true story.

• a particular person's representation of the facts of a matter, especially as given in self-defense: during police interviews, Harper changed his story.