Chemical suppression suppresses gut but at the very same time actually creates..

Gut unnatural activity..

In which creates unnatural environment which manifests toxic gases..

If we do not help release unnatural toxicity which concentrates..

In faeces..

Toxic ga will simply now release itself within around the human body..

Possible answer to why neuro toxicity now exists..

So how do we prevent human body actually suffering hidden toxicity..


We actually strip back the unnatural activity which unnaturally exists within the gut totally back..

When chemical suppression provokes gut the gut now creates unnatural activity..

In which inturn creates unnatural toxicity..

When this unnatural toxicity builds up this hidden unnatural toxicity..

Simply has now where to go..

At the natural rate actually needed to prevent our human body from simply intoxicating itself..

So hidden gut toxicity simply has know where to go other than disperse itself around our human body..

In which intoxicates the human body as we live inside aside human body..

So how can we actually naturally prevent unnatural activity within our gut..

Actually occurring..

We simply wash human body with only water and exfoliate our body..

Instead of washing human body with chemically induced products..

In which could possibly have disturbed human body and brain since our life began..

This is how we reset unnatural gut activity by simply having the awareness..

So how does water prevent our bodies unnatural toxicity building up within..

Human body..

Water alone without chemicals doesn't allow chemical resistance to effect the gut..

Which naturally allows our gut the time needed to actually reverse our guts unnatural activity..

In which creates unnatural toxicity which disperses around human body..


Is there any wonder why there is so so many people suffering because we cannot see the wood for the tree's..

Is the any wonder human's actually suffer on different levels to one another..

Is this reason why conspiracy theories exist..

Because so many individual's are misunderstood and the aren't able to get right support..

Here's another example when chemicals unnaturally provoke the gut the gut unnaturally increases..


In which transfers from gut to mouth but as we take no notice to the destruction chemicals already have within human body..

We seam to think we just need to add fluoride to toothpaste to create added protection for teeth decay..

Isn't tooth decay also a sign of vascular decay..

If the gut is struggling so much with actual intensity of it's acid that mouth needs aluminium byproduct..

To protect teeth from decay..

Doesn't this tell us that something is already seriously wrong within the gut itself..

Fluoride isn't going to answer our guts prayers..

Fluorides neurotoxic itself..

I wash whole of my body with only water and brush my teeth with only water..

I don't use deodorant on my human body because i haven't got a choice..

Because chemicals will simply further destroy my gut in which naturally supports how my human body can naturally function..

By reducing chemicals in which create my guts unnatural activity this possibly allows me..

To brush my teeth with only water without actually getting infection on my mouth..

By naturally reducing acidity which exists unnaturally this helps reduce..

Gut acidity which simply naturally transfers itself from gut to within my mouth..

I believe inulin and prune juice helps break down unnatural toxicity which forms in faeces as toxic gas..

Releasing toxic gas before toxic gas enters vascular system helps reduce vascular dementia or disease..

Which inturn naturally helps the human body possibly fight infection..

Infections within human body such as tendonitis and hair follicles which inturn create abscesses..

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