What is in front of us is only actually an obstacle in which mind interprets..

But when we cannot see past ourselves we naturally cannot understand this..

This is because the human body possibly isn't efficient enough to allow individual's..

To naturally see past themselves to fully understand this..

When mankind actually puts there foot on the gas to suite themselves..

This is simply because mankind cannot see past themselves in the moment..

Energy flows through human body efficiently or not so efficiently and mankind is only as kind..

As the actual power which retains itself within the mind..

But do we as human's fully understand what human's needs to understand..

Inorder to actually allow mankind to gain back full control of themselves..

Human energy is only efficient until it's not efficient but who can create the right understanding to actually help human's understand this..

What human's actually need to understand to naturally understand where the going wrong..

On so many different levels in which possibly is unnaturally dividing..

The human race..

When chemicals interfere with body chemicals actually unnaturally shut the human body down..

Human body now becomes starved of it's own natural flow of energy..

Because chemicals kinda trap how the human body has a natural flow of energy..

When we actually suppress the gut with chemicals we unnaturally apply unnecessary pressure to gut..

In which traps the actual flow of natural energy which flows freely around the human body..

The mind is only in control as well as the natural flow of energy..

In which flows freely through human body to mind or vice versa..

So let's say chemicals block natural glow of human energy which is allowed to flow freely around the human body to the mind..

Or vice versa..

The human body is responsible for creating natural flow of energy or having unnatural flow of energy..

Human energy naturally flows freely through mind or unnaturally flows freely through the mind..

The energy in gut supports the mind and is naturally responsible for how powerful the mind actually works..

This is why if chemicals can shut the gut down the gut can malfunction and intoxicates the mind..

Then the mind in which becomes intoxicated simply now struggles to connect itself..

With the world..

Because if we trap the natural flow of energy which naturally supports the mind the mind cannot see past it's own human body..

This is because the mind now symoutanosly struggles to use it's own sensory tools..

Which simply now unnaturally traps the individual within themself..

This is why there is so many different levels to intelligent..

The size of the picture of the world in front of us is only as large as it is clear within the mind..

The size of natural flow of energy..

Which flows freely.

In which naturally supports the mind which inturn helps the mind connect itself with itself..

Which naturally helps individual's to naturally take advantage absorb the world around themselves..

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