Hello everyone!

I am opening up my blog to submissions. I accept both prose and poetry, but please only submit one work at a time, with at least one week between each submission. The topic of your piece of work can be anything, as long as it is not discriminatory towards any race, gender, or peoples.

Depending on how many I get, I will post one or two on Wednesdays (days subject to change, based on the number of submissions.) Just because your work is not posted on the week you submitted it in does not mean it will never be posted. I may sometimes reject pieces if I do not find it worthy or if it has too many grammatical or spelling errors. Whether or not your piece is accepted or not, you will get an email back.

Email your piece to: chaosoflife8@gmail.com

The subject line should be: Chaos of Life: Submissions

Include a bio of yourself in the body of the email; you may include a small promotion of your blog or website if you have one. You may copy and paste your literary work into the body of the email, or attach a docx. or pdf of your work.

There is no monetary compensation nor a fee to enter your work. Chaos of Life is a literary dog dedicated to creating a safe and healthy community without having strings attached.

I wish you the best of luck in your submissions, and can't wait to read them!

Lots of love,
Jess ❤

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