Pakistan and India marked their 75th Independence Day on August 14 and August 15 (2021), respectively. Seventy-four years have passed since the tragic event of Partition of the Indian Sub-continent. The world's largest Partition in 1947 had reportedly uprooted an estimated 1.5 million people, and the British Imperialist Power was solely responsible for this catastrophic event. At that period of time, leaders of major Indian political parties, like the Muslim League, the Hindu Mahasabha and the Indian National Congress, were partially responsible for this. Debates are still going on over the role of political leaders in both India and Pakistan in today's socio-political context. However, one has to keep in mind that it is an inherent habit of Colonial Powers to build new countries by ruthless geographical fragmentation.

The former Colonial Rulers had changed the course of the history of a number of Asian and African countries by changing the geography of most of their colonies. If those countries look at themselves and wonder who had drawn their borders and triggered unending border crises, then they could easily find the answer! The European Imperialist Powers, who were endangered financially, socially and politically in the post-Second World War period, would have to bear this responsibility. They had no other option, but to leave their colonies in a hurry! Maps of the former colonies still bear the immediate imprint of that hurry. Asia and Africa, it can well be said, are still paying the Historical Price of European interests in the Pre-colonial and Post-colonial eras.

The Partition of India and creation of Pakistan

Even after 75 years of the Partition, thousands of families in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh still feel the pain of losing their beloved ones. Many of them had to leave their homes and wealth behind, before settling in a country that was born anew. Hence, the refugee problem still exists in these three countries. People of eastern Indian Province of West Bengal, and northern Provinces of Kashmir and Punjab were the worst sufferers. Kashmir is globally considered as the Unfinished Chapter of Partition. Over time, divided Germany has been reunited, and the Soft Partition has replaced the Hard Partition in divided Ireland.

Former British colonies

Unfortunately, India and Pakistan have moved away from each other, with their enmity increasing since 1947. As a result, these States become violent whenever they experience any protests or uprisings. States, like India and Pakistan, try to relate the protests with Sub-Nationalism or Petty Nationalism. The very nature of all these decolonised States seems to be frightening and sceptical. Perhaps, Political Scientists shall prefer the term 'Fearful State'. That is why the Independent Indian State often ruthlessly suppresses protests in Kashmir, Punjab, and the North-Eastern part of the country. Even the world's Largest Democracy cannot communicate with regional entities in a proper manner, and cannot give them confidence. The Independent Sovereign Democratic Indian State has become accustomed to consider the map, created by the former Imperialist Ruler, as Eternal and Supreme.

Partition of the Indian Sub-continent, 1947

This is the Legacy of History… or the Irony of History!

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