It's Saturday. David, Cheryl and I are at the bar, hoping to satisfy the requirement of Linda G. Hill's Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt, and score some bonus points! The prompt is twofold,

"Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is 'my.' Start your post with the word 'My.' Bonus points if you end your post with 'yours.' Enjoy!"

If we were having a beer, we'd be halfway to those bonus points.

"My my, if it isn't our favorite ersatz environmentalist."

"Ersatz? David, doesn't that mean fake?"

"Fake, or inferior, either will do."

"What did I do to deserve that designation?"

"Your WATWB post from yesterday. Championing an alleged solution to the microplastic problem. Technology to the rescue…again."

"Maybe it's not a perfect cure David, but it's a step in the right direction."

"Dan, David, a step in the right direction would be if you two hens would order something to drink. Although, I'm not sure about tossing alcohol on this raging inferno."

"Cheryl, give my young, albeit naive friend his cerveza de Mexico and set me up with a John Howell's Special."

"I take it that's a Corona for Dan?"

"Yes, sorry, I thought he was going to see the Yardgoats again."

"Well, it's appropriate, our specials are Mexican today."

"Los Chivios de Hartford played last week. They only play a few of those games each year. But back to the environment. What's wrong with picking up plastic?"

"The problem Dan, isn't plastic."

"It isn't? The article talked about eight million metric tons a year. You sure that isn't a problem?"

"Here you go guys. Fuel for your mule, as it were."

"Ah, Popeye, yes, Dan's childhood hero if I recall."

"And as Popeye would say, that's all I can stands, I can't stands no more! Is it international pick on Dan day?"

"I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. The problem isn't plastics, the problem is people. Ignorant, selfish, ridiculously stupid people who throw stuff away because they're too lazy to walk to one of a billion trash cans."

"You have a point, David, but we're never going to fix people."

"No, you're going to encourage them. 'Go ahead, throw your crap on the beach, Wall-E and Eva's offspring will sift it up while you sleep.' That's what they're going to think when they see the BeBots roaming around."

"Cheryl, can I have another beer? I'm having to wash down a lot of undeserved guff over here."

"Sure Dan. Anything for you, David?"

"Do you have any nips?"

"John Howell's Bourbon doesn't cone in nips."

"Anything will do, this is just for demonstration purposes."

"Here, we send these out with to-go orders."

"See this, Dan? The State of Connecticut added a ten-cent deposit on these bottles. Do you think that's going to help?"

"No. I see those all over the park, David. Usually in close proximity to an orange juice bottle."

"Left there, no doubt by a kid whose last thought on earth would be to take that home and toss it in his mom's recycle bin."

"True. I guess they're thinking is that the people that collect cans will pick them up."

"Dan, don't you think there are better ways of helping the poor than creating more valuable litter."

"Um, guys, It's a surcharge, not a deposit. You don't get it back."

"So, there isn't even any incentive for people to pick them up." "Ok, David. You've made a litany of good points. What's your solution?"

"We need smarter people."

"Guys, working behind this bar as I do, I can tell you that that off-ramp isn't on the human highway. Do you want any food?

"I'm sorry for picking on you Dan. This stuff makes me mad."

"It's ok, David. But speaking of picking, you're picking up the tab. Pizza or tacos?"

"Dan, the choice is yours."