During our great Shropshire adventure weekend recently, we hit on the name for the singing quartet that does Hopeless Maine and folk material. Henceforth, we will be Ominous Folk. We also had the opportunity to get our photo taken by Dark Box – who you can find over here https://www.darkboximages.com/

Our friend Gregg takes photos using a Victorian camera, he develops the images on tin plates – he has a portable dark room that looks like a Tardis! It's a fantastic process and we love the results.

Singing has always been part of my life. I love being able to take performances to events- so much more interesting and engaging than standing behind a table with books!  Our next outing will be to Stroud Steampunk Weekend, where we are part of the evening event. More over here - https://stroudsteampunk.weebly.com/