Was August awesome? Let's see what the numbers made of it:

11.5 days of having the decorator in the house

30 pieces of Happy Mail written, addressed and posted

33,745 steps walked by me on my busiest day of the month*

34 walks with Tilly

The Boy received his 1st dose of the Pfizer vaccine

4 nights away in Ulverston

5 lampshades given away via freecycle ... to a chap who lives in the next road to us!

4 bags of books and DVDs donated to Oxfam

31 sessions of online Pilates

14 online Step classes via Jenny Ford on YouTube

13 separate visits with friends and family

2 visits to National Trust properties

*How I achieved that step count total: Step class, walk to the supermarket, Slow Summer outing in town, walk to Oxfam, walk with Tilly.

Month in Numbers was the brainchild of Julie. You can see my previous Month in Numbers here.