Today's Bible Reading- Psalm Chapter 78 & Romans Chapter 7.

Good morning, my friends. I hope you're well. It's a bit stuffy right now. It's currently 66*, but the humidity is at 96%. Our high today is expected to be 83* with a 30% chance of rain. A little bit cooler, but next week is promising to heat up again.

I've been up for about an hour and already I've put my laundry away, taken down my drying rack, changed the sheets on my bed, watered the fly trap, refilled Gracie's water bowl, and I'm now sitting down to chat with you while enjoying the first cup of coffee. Yum. Where would we be without coffee? I love the stuff.

So yesterday was a bit chill. I did a lot of garden planning. I was thinking about putting several things on trellises, but then the question becomes how I'd get the trellis material to the house. There aren't any options of having it delivered to the house, so either I'd have to wait until Pop comes home and use the truck, or I'll have to come up with a different growing method. Hmm. My brain is going crazy with ideas.

Mom is feeling a bit better, but she's still dealing with the nausea.

Well, looky here. I went down another rabbit hole. Ha! I don't think this one was as long, but I did get distracted. It's 7:48 am now.

Pardon me while I go get a bowl of cereal. I feel like cereal today.

Okay. Today is Friday, so I have the usual stuff to do. Bank balancing, picking up any prescriptions for Mom. I already have the grocery shopping done. My sheets are changed. Mom needs her sheets changed. The cats need fed. We're having burgers tonight, so I'll get to fire up the grill. I'm expecting my seeds to come in this weekend. This weekend is also tax-free weekend, so traffic will be a bear. I may hold off on the prescriptions. Anyhoo. It's just normal stuff today.

In case you're scratching your head about tax-free weekend, my state has a sales tax on most things. If I remember correctly it's about 6%. So, usually the first weekend in August, the sales tax is lifted for things school-related. I remember going to Walmart as a kid and getting notebooks for like five cents. It's basically Black Friday for school supplies, but it lasts all weekend. Over the years, the items allowed to be tax free have increased to now you can get sheets and towels and stuff like that. The excuse was that it was for college students. Over the years I figured something out. If I got my school supplies a week or two before tax-free weekend, I actually saved money. Sure, I paid sales tax, but what the stores would do is reduce the price like crazy and then jack it back up for tax-free weekend. I'm so thankful I don't have to worry about that anymore. If I had kids, though, I'd be homeschooling. It's just getting too crazy out there now.

Okay, friends. I've rambled enough. I have cats to feed, my Bible read, and a bunch of other things to do as well. Love you all and until next time, stay safe my friends. ❤

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