Happy Friday and today Dot is excited about an up coming holiday. International Cat Day ! No planes Yet? Here's some fun ways to celebrate on Sunday.

1. Adopt a cat from your local shelter or cat rescue.

We adopted a Calico kitten we just found outside. Callie

2. Volunteer at your local shelter.

We adopted Blue from herehttps://acadianaanimalaid.org. And they do great work and work with Pet Smart on a Caturday every Saturday.

. Buy your cat a fun new toy.

Treat rattle

You'll need:

  • An empty cardboard TP roll.
  • Treats.


  • Fold one end of the TP roll inside, creating a semi-closed end.
  • Place several treats inside.
  • Fold the other end of the roll, creating another semi-closed end.

My cats love noisy toys and this one fits the bill, for sure. The ends don't close super tightly, so it's fun for kitty to try and remove the treats. Mine are persistent so the treats never really stand a chance!

Brush your cat to eliminate excess fur and hairballs.

Brushing Tips :

Work along the lie of her fur, brushing in the direction the coat grows. Brush all over her body, including her chest and abdomen, concentrating on one section at a time to remove dead hair and tangles. A rubber brush can be especially effective for removing dead hair on cats with short fur.

 Buy your cat a collar and tag with your name and number, just in case they get outside and happen to become lost.

The Best Cat Collars Make It Easy To Escape If Your Cat Gets Caught Somewhere.

The Best Cat Collars Are Comfortable. Soft materials and the Best Cat Collars Are Durable.

The Best Cat Collars Encourage Identification.

When combined with custom embroidery or an ID tag, your cat's collar increases their likelihood of being identified if they escape the house. Any collar will identify your cat as a housecat rather than a feral, but one with built-in identification gives your cat a voice.

And of Course Take a Cap Nap !

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