man in black hoodie with black beard

"Okay," she snapped, turning around. "What's your deal?  Why are you following me?"

"You could hear me?" he asked, surprised.

"Did you think you were quiet?  And Halloween isn't until October, Mr. Half Undressed, Hooded Cloak Man."

"Why aren't you running away?"

She put her foot forward.  "Four in heels.  I don't think I'd get very far, and if I kicked my shoes off, I'd be out three hundred dollars."

"You paid three hundred dollars for those shoes?  They're a few straps and a heel."

She looked at her foot.  "Yes, but they're PRETTY.  Now.  What are you supposed to be?"

"It's more like what I am."

"Okay, I'll bite, what are you?"

"That's pretty funny," he chuckled.  "You'll bite."

"So happy you're amused.  Now, before I stun gun and pepper spray you, just tell me what you are, and get it over with, my feet are killing me."

"Fine," he said.  "I'm a vampire."

"Sure you are," she sighed.  "Look, if you don't want to tell me then don't, but I'm going to go home.  It's been a long day."

"No, I really am a vampire," he said quickly.  "I'm an undead."

"Show me your fangs."

"Uh, can you give me a minute?"

"Why?" she asked. "Can't you just fang out?"

"Well, yes, usually.  But you're not acting like normal prey and that's stressing me out."

"So, what you're saying is that you're a dysfunctional vampire and it's MY fault."

"NO!  That's not what I'm saying at all!"

"Well, I haven't got all night, so maybe I'll see you some other time," she said, turning to go."

He was standing in front of her, smiling.

"Cute.  Now get out of my way."

"Did you see what I just did?"

"Yes.  You're fast, I'll give you that."

He showed her his fangs.

"How did you get your dentist to do that."

He rolled his eyes.  "Look at me.  I AM A VAMPIRE."

"You're kind of cute," she muttered, checking him out.

"Oh my god," he said, putting his hands over his face.

She had the wooden stake pressing against his chest before he knew it.

"I," she said, "am a vampire hunter."

"Are you going to kill me," he asked, grinning at her.

"I'm thinking about it."

"It would be a close fight.  I know how strong you are.  But just so you know...I'm stronger," he said, brushing her bangs to the side, with his fingertips.  "I can think of other things we could do that would be...a lot more fun."

"You mean get donuts?"

He laughed out loud.  "Not exactly what I hand in mind, but sure, why not donuts."

"I've never let anyone go before," she whispered, touching his lips.

"Neither have I ."

"Too bad we didn't meet before you changed," she said.

"I'm not that different from the person I used to be.  I have a cat and a plant."

She leaned against him and felt his fangs rub against her neck.  He felt the tip of her stake pierce the skin on his chest.

"What are we doing?" she mumbled.

"I think we're falling in love."

"That's...not possible."

"I don't think it matters whether or not it's possible.  It's happening anyway." he said, nibbling on her shoulder.

"We're supposed to be enemies."

"I know," he sighed.  "But rules are meant to be broken, aren't they?"

"That's a good point," she said, listening for a heart beat that wasn't there and never would be.

"Can I walk you home?"

"Sure," she said.

"Can I hold your hand?" he asked, softly.

She didn't answer, she just slipped her hand into his and smiled.





Photo:  Sammy Williams